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The next morning went smoothly. Wooyoung snuck back to his room, stealing yet another hoodie on his way out. They now were a couple hours into practice, anxiously waiting for the end. San would be lying if he said this situation hasn't been clouding his head.

The studio is tense, a collective breath held as Joon-hyuk's voice slices through the heavy air, "San, come on, we need you here, not in la-la land." San blinks rapidly, the fog of daydreams lifting as he offers a quick, apologetic nod and hustles to his starting position. The music cues up again, a pulsing rhythm that echoes through the bones of each member. This time, their movements are sharp, a seamless wave of energy and precision. Relief washes over Joon-hyuk's face, but there's no time to bask in it.

Attention shifts, the spotlight now on Wooyoung, whose stunt has been the talk of the rehearsals. Joon-hyuk approaches him, instructions ready, "Remember, it's all about the lift and timing." They walk through the motions, Joon-hyuk's hands guiding Wooyoung's limbs, setting the muscle memory.

Joon-hyuk is standing close, his eyes tracking every move. "Wooyoung, remember to distribute your weight evenly," he instructs, his voice firm but encouraging.

Wooyoung nods, licking his lips nervously. "I got it, Joon-hyuk. Just hope I don't throw anyone off balance."

"Don't worry, trust yourself and the dancers," Joon-hyuk reassures him, clapping a hand on Wooyoung's shoulder.

Taking a deep breath, Wooyoung steps up. The dancers beneath him start moving. San's anxiety is almost tangible.

As Wooyoung maintains his stance, Joon-hyuk keeps the encouragement coming. "That's it! Steady... steady..."

There's a slight tremble, and Wooyoung's eyes flicker with uncertainty.

Joon-hyuk doesn't miss a beat, "Stay focused, you're doing great!"

Wooyoung finds his rhythm, and the stunt concludes flawlessly.

Joon-hyuk's first to cheer, "That's what I'm talking about! Excellent work!"

Wooyoung hops down, a victorious smile on his face. Wooyoung, now buzzing with confidence, replies, "Let's do it again."

As they start the routine again, the music fills the air, a pulsing beat that seems to drive their movements. Joon-hyuk's eyes are sharp, missing nothing, but there's a smile on his lips now. He can see the improvement, the way the dancers are syncing up even better this time around.

Wooyoung hits his mark, and the formation around him is tight, everyone in sync. There's a collective breath held as they hit the peak of the routine, They nail it, and there's an immediate eruption of cheers and claps. Joon-hyuk's voice rises above the rest, "Yes! That's the energy! This is what I'm talking about!"

The dancers break apart, high-fiving and laughing, the tension released into a wave of elation. Wooyoung's chest heaves with heavy breaths, but his grin is unstoppable. "We're gonna kill it on stage," he declares, and there's a round of agreement from everyone.

Joon-hyuk claps his hands, calling everyone's attention. "Take five, and then we run it from the top. This performance is going to be one for the books!"

As they scatter to grab water and towel off, the room is buzzing with the kind of vibrant energy that only comes from a group of people who know they're on the cusp of something great.

As the break continues, Wooyoung, still beaming with pride, finds a spot on the floor and wearily lays his head in San's lap, looking up at the ceiling. San smiles down at him, his fingers gently combing through Wooyoung's hair, a soothing rhythm that seems to wash away the fatigue.

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