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I woke up to an empty bed for the first time in months. Slowly, I reached out beside me, brushing my hand over the spot where Wooyoung once laid. The sheets were still made on that side, a lingering reminder of his absence. I just laid there, staring at the spot, my mind racing with thoughts. The silence in the room felt deafening, and I couldn't help but replay all the moments we had shared in that very spot. His laughter, his warmth, the way he would steal the covers in the middle of the night—it all came flooding back.

I missed the way he would nudge me awake with a sleepy smile, his hair tousled and eyes half-closed. The emptiness now felt almost physical, like a weight pressing down on me. I sighed deeply, feeling the ache of his absence more acutely than ever.

My thoughts were interrupted by Seonghwa coming in. "Hey, how are you holding up?" he asked gently, sitting down on the edge of the bed. His voice was soft, almost hesitant, as if he was afraid of pushing me too hard.

I sighed, my eyes still fixed on the empty spot beside me. "I've been better," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper.

He nodded, his eyes filled with understanding and concern. "I figured. I just wanted to make sure you're okay. Do you want some breakfast? I can make your favorite—pancakes with blueberries."

I shook my head. "No, thanks. I'm not really hungry."

Seonghwa looked at me for a long moment, then reached out and squeezed my shoulder gently. "It's okay to take your time, San. We're all here for you."

I nodded, appreciating his support even though I couldn't find the words to express it. "Thanks, Hwa. I just... I just need a little more time."

He gave me a small, reassuring smile. "Of course. Take all the time you need. We will be leaving soon. Hongjoong moved practice later. So you have a little more time to get ready before we leave."

"Please tell him I said thank you," I appreciated their support more than ever. The room was quiet again, but having Seonghwa there made the silence a bit more bearable. His presence was a reminder that, even in the midst of my pain, I had people who cared about me. He stayed with me for a bit, just sitting there, offering silent support. Eventually, he spoke again.

"You know, Wooyoung wouldn't want you to be like this. He'd want you to find a way to smile again," Seonghwa said softly.

I closed my eyes, feeling a lump form in my throat. "I know," I whispered. "It's just hard to imagine that right now."

Seonghwa nodded. "I get it. But we'll get through this together. One step at a time."

I took a deep breath, feeling a small flicker of hope in the midst of my sorrow. "Thanks, Hwa. That means a lot."

He stood up, giving my shoulder one last squeeze. "Anytime, San." He then left the room.

I lay back down, staring at the ceiling, trying to process everything. Seconds turned into minutes as I lay there, lost in thought. Eventually, the sound of my phone buzzing broke through the haze. I reached over to the nightstand and picked it up, seeing a message from Yunho.

"Hey, just checking in. How are you doing today?"

I hesitated for a moment before typing back, "I've been better. Seonghwa came by earlier. It helped a bit."

Almost immediately, Yunho replied, "I'm glad to hear that. We're all here for you, San. Don't forget that."

I smiled faintly at his words. It was comforting to know that my friends were rallying around me, even if I still felt lost. "Thanks, Yunho. I appreciate it."

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