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San's feet barely touch the ground as he races through the hallways, his mind replaying Wooyoung's hushed tones. Bursting into the vocal room, he finds Wooyoung curled up in a corner, his phone clutched in a trembling hand. "Hey, hey, it's okay, I'm here," San soothes, dropping to his knees and pulling Wooyoung into a protective embrace. "You're safe now, I've got you," he whispers, a hand stroking Wooyoung's hair as he holds him close.

Wooyoung's breath steadies gradually, his body relaxing millimeter by millimeter against San's warmth. "Tell me what happened," San urges softly, concern etching his features.

Through hesitant words, Wooyoung unravels the day's events, each sentence a weight lifted, yet each memory a shadow across his heart. San's embrace tightens, a silent fury building within him at the thought of anyone causing Wooyoung such pain.

"They're wrong," San asserts, cupping Wooyoung's face, forcing their eyes to meet. "You're beautiful, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with you or your body."

But with each declaration, Wooyoung's eyes flicker with doubt, a soft "no" escaping his lips, countering San's affirmations.

Tears well in San's eyes, a mirror to Wooyoung's pain. "Yes, you are," he insists, voice cracking, "Don't believe them for a second."

San's words hang in the air, a fragile promise against the storm inside Wooyoung's mind. "Look at me," San whispers, his thumbs gently wiping away the tears that betray Wooyoung's stoic front. "You are everything that's right in my world."

Wooyoung's eyes, glistening with a mix of pain and emerging hope, lock onto San's earnest gaze. "But why can't they see it?" he murmurs, the hurt resonating in his voice.

"Because they don't look with their hearts," San replies, his own voice thick with emotion. "But I do, Wooyoung. I see you, all of you, and you are perfect to me."

The room is filled with a silent understanding, a moment of solace in the chaos, as San continues to hold Wooyoung.

Wooyoung's voice is barely audible, a tired whisper, "I want to go home, San." Without a word, San rises, his actions swift as he helps Wooyoung to his feet. They leave the room, San's arm protectively around Wooyoung, a silent guardian against the world's harshness.

Throughout the ride home, San keeps Wooyoung close, an unspoken vow of safety and comfort in the closeness of their bodies. The hum of the car engine blends with the rhythm of the road.

As the car's gentle motion lulls Wooyoung into sleep, San's gaze hardens, the echoes of the day's cruel words igniting a silent fury within him. He feels his phone vibrate, a sharp contrast to the calm inside the vehicle. Carefully, mindful not to disturb Wooyoung's slumber, San retrieves his phone and answers the call with a hushed urgency, ready to shield his boyfriend from any further pain.

Hongjoong's voice comes through the phone, concern lacing his words, "What happened?" San's grip tightens on the phone, his words clipped with barely contained anger, "I'm so pissed, I can't even talk about it right now." Silence falls as Hongjoong processes the gravity of San's tone. After a pause, he asks, "Where are you guys?"

"We're almost at the dorm," San replies, his voice steadier as he glances at Wooyoung's peaceful face.

"Be safe," Hongjoong says, a command wrapped in worry, "We'll talk when I get home."

San nods, though he knows Hongjoong can't see it. "Goodbye," he says, ending the call, his focus returning to the precious boy by his side.

They finally pull up to the dorm. San murmurs a quiet "Thank you" to the driver, his movements gentle as he gathers Wooyoung in his arms. He's cautious, treading lightly as he carries his sleeping boyfriend inside, every step taken with care to keep Wooyoung's rest undisturbed.

San breathes a sigh of relief as they enter the room. Gently, he lays Wooyoung on the bed, his gaze lingering on his boyfriend's face. The sight of Wooyoung's swollen eyes sends a pang through San's heart. With the softest touch, he brushes a stray hair from Wooyoung's forehead, whispering with heartfelt sincerity, "You're so beautiful, Woo, even when you don't see it." He plants a tender kiss on Wooyoung's forehead before slipping out to the living room, where he'll wait for the others to return.

As the quiet of the room envelops him, San's anger simmers beneath the surface once more. His fists clench involuntarily. Lost in the storm of his thoughts, the sound of the front door swinging open startles him back to reality.

The dorm comes to life as the others filter through the door, their greetings a soft murmur as they each peel off towards their respective rooms. Hongjoong enters last, his presence commanding the space. He catches San's eye, a silent nod conveying his message: "Come to Seonghwa's and my room." Understanding passes between them, a conversation without words.

San steps into the room, easing the door shut with a soft click. Hongjoong's eyes are filled with concern as he asks, "What happened?" Seonghwa, out of the loop, looks on, a picture of confusion.

San recounts the heart-wrenching scene of finding Wooyoung in tears. He lays bare the harsh words the CEO hurled at Woo, each one a heavy blow. Seonghwa listens, his mouth agape, shock etched across his face as the reality of what Wooyoung endured sinks in.

"He said what? To Wooyoung?" he asks, disbelief coloring his tone. "How could he say something so cruel?"

As San's anger gives way to pain, his voice falters, "I told Woo he was perfect, that they were wrong, but he just said kept repeating 'no'. Hearing him say that just..." Hongjoong steps forward, wrapping San in a firm hug, Seonghwa quickly joining in, enveloping him in warmth and support.

"I should've protected him from this," San's voice is muffled, his words tinged with guilt. "I'm supposed to make him feel loved and cherished, and I failed."

Hongjoong's voice is steady, a rock in the turmoil, "San, you couldn't have stopped this, even if you tried. It's not your fault." He pulls back, locking eyes with San.

"I'm just as disgusted and disappointed with how the CEO treated Wooyoung. It's unacceptable." Seonghwa adds, his voice firm, "We're a team, we stick together. We'll make sure Wooyoung knows he's not alone in this. We've got his back, always." The three share a moment of silent agreement, a pact to support their friend through thick and thin.

Hongjoong's expression turns serious, "Let's keep this between us. I'll talk to the manager about everything." San, grateful for the solidarity, nods in agreement, "Thank you, both of you." With a deep breath, he turns and leaves the room, ready to return to Wooyoung's side.

San pauses at the doorway, a smile spreading across his face as he watches Wooyoung animatedly talking on the phone. He slips into the room quietly, not wanting to interrupt, content to just be there for him.

Wooyoung hangs up the phone with a quiet "Goodnight." San asks, "How long you been awake?" Wooyoung shrugs slightly, "Not long, my mom's call woke me." San walks over and sits on the bed facing Wooyoung, who leans back against the headboard, a tired but alert look in his eyes.

"Oh, you weren't asleep long then," San says softly, moving closer. He sits with his legs crossed, facing Wooyoung, their knees almost touching. "Feeling any better?" he asks, reaching out to intertwine their fingers, a tender look shared between them.

Wooyoung's eyes meet San's, a hint of vulnerability in them. "I just want this night to be over," he murmurs. San's response is a soft caress, his hand cradling Wooyoung's face, thumb gently sweeping across his cheek in a soothing motion. "It will be, love. We'll get through this together," San whispers, offering a reassuring smile.

Wooyoung leans into San's embrace, a single tear escaping down his cheek. "Don't cry, my love," San coos, his voice a soothing balm. Feeling the warmth of San's hand against his skin, Wooyoung covers it with his own, their fingers intertwining. "I'm so lucky to have you," he admits, his voice barely above a whisper, filled with gratitude and love.

San leans in, pressing a gentle kiss to Wooyoung's forehead, "I'm the lucky one," he murmurs with affection. Shifting to lie beside Wooyoung, San whispers, "Let's go to sleep, baby," and tenderly draws him close, enveloping him in a warm embrace, their hearts beating in a quiet symphony of comfort and closeness.

San's fingers gently weave through Wooyoung's hair, a silent lullaby in each stroke. He feels the rhythm of Wooyoung's breaths deepen and slow, a sure sign he's drifted off to sleep, safe in San's arms.

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