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Hongjoong pushes the door open, the familiar creak barely registering as his eyes land on the figure lounging on the studio couch. It's Seonghwa, unmistakable even from a distance, his form shrouded in the dim light filtering through the blinds.

"Hwa?" Hongjoong calls out, his voice echoing slightly in the quiet room. There's no movement, no sign that Seonghwa's heard him. With a furrowed brow, Hongjoong strides closer, a flicker of concern igniting in his chest. The memory of him storming out earlier replayed in his brain. "Seonghwa, are you okay?" Still, silence greets him.

He reaches Seonghwa's side, the lack of response gnawing at him. He tries again, softer this time, a touch of worry seeping into his tone. "Hey, it's me, Joong. Talk to me, please."

He finally raises his head, Seonghwa's tear-stained cheeks are impossible to miss, and it sends a jolt of concern through Hongjoong. "What's wrong?" he asks again, his voice a mix of worry and urgency.

This time, Seonghwa's walls come crashing down, and he's overcome with emotion. Without a second thought, Hongjoong reaches out, pulling Seonghwa close, his hand cradling the back of Seonghwa's head to rest against his chest. Seonghwa's sobs are muffled against Hongjoong's shirt as he gently pets his hair, a silent reassurance that he's there for him.

"Hwa, it's okay, just let it all out," Hongjoong whispers, his words a soothing balm as Seonghwa's tears begin to subside. "I'm here for you, always."

Seonghwa takes a shuddering breath, finding his voice amidst the quiet. "Why, Joong? Why don't you come home? You work all night, then all day... you're exhausting yourself."

Hongjoong's heart tightens at the worry in Seonghwa's voice. "I know, I know it's hard. I'm sorry I've been so absent."

"It's killing me, seeing you like this," Seonghwa confesses, a tremor in his words. "I want to take care of you, but it feels like I'm failing."

"You're not failing, Hwa," Hongjoong reassures, his voice firm yet gentle. "Just being here with me, caring about me... that's more than I could ever ask for."

Seonghwa's voice is laced with guilt as he speaks, "I'm the oldest, Joong. I should be the one taking on more, not you."

Hongjoong shakes his head, his hand still comforting Seonghwa. "Hwa, being a leader.. it's my role to do what's best for us, for our team. It isn't a burden."

"You're doing more than enough, Seonghwa. We all have our parts to play, and you play yours perfectly. Don't worry, okay?" he adds, hoping to lift the weight from Seonghwa's shoulders.

Seonghwa's eyes burn with a mix of concern and stubbornness. "No, Hongjoong. You have to come home with me tonight. You need rest."

Hongjoong tries to protest, his resolve wavering under Seonghwa's intense gaze. "Seonghwa, you know I can't. The group needs me to finish this."

But Seonghwa isn't backing down, his voice firm and unwavering. "And the group needs you healthy. I'm not leaving your side until you agree to come home. We're a team, remember?" His stance is resolute, a silent vow to stand by Hongjoong until he agrees to take care of himself.

Seonghwa makes the couch his temporary stronghold, arms crossed with a defiant tilt of his chin, giving Hongjoong a look that's equal parts sass and challenge. Despite the tension, Hongjoong's lips twitch into a smile, a soft laugh escaping him as he watches Seonghwa's theatrics.

"Cute," he whispers under his breath, the word barely louder than a sigh, his affection for Seonghwa's antics clear in his amused glint. Shaking his head, Hongjoong turns away, resigning himself to the fact that Seonghwa won't budge easily. He settles into the chair at his desk, casting one more glance over his shoulder at Seonghwa, whose presence on the couch is a silent but loving protest.

Mingi's already at the gym. He's setting up for his next workout when San finally arrives, a bit later than planned. Mingi throws him a curious look, lifting an eyebrow.

"Took you long enough, what's up?" Mingi asks, taking a break from his own workout.

San flashes a quick, mischievous smile. "Ah, my bad. Just had to help Yunho with some choreo tweaks," he says, hoping Mingi buys the excuse, keeping his secret safe for a little while longer.

Mingi doesn't press further, just chuckles and shakes his head. "Alright, superstar, let's get moving. You're behind." They both laugh it off and dive into their workout.

As they begin their workout, San and Mingi chat about this and that, the conversation light and easy. But then, Mingi drops the big question, catching San off guard.

"Hey, so what's the deal with you and Wooyoung? I noticed you guys seemed a bit off. Were you fighting or something?"

San's heart races, but he keeps his cool. "Oh, that? It's nothing, really. We just had a dumb argument about leaving dishes in the sink. You know how it gets," he says with a nervous chuckle, hoping Mingi doesn't pick up on his discomfort.

"Really?" Mingi ask, "It seemed a lot more intense than just dishes?"

San, a bit cornered, lets out a laugh, trying to downplay the situation. "Nah, man, you know how it is. Small things can blow up when you're tired. We're cool, don't worry about it," he insists, hoping to convince Mingi and steer the conversation towards their workout or anything else.

Mingi nods, fully convinced, and they both dive back into their workout with determination. Sweat beads on their foreheads as they push through each set. Mingi, having started his workout earlier than San, finishes up first. Breathing heavily, he grabs his towel, wiping the sweat from his face.

"Alright, I'm out," Mingi announces, his breaths still short from the exertion. "Hongjoong's waiting for me at the studio."

"See you, dude," San responds, giving him a supportive slap on the back. "Kill it in the studio!"

With a quick nod, Mingi exits, leaving San to power through his last few sets. The gym's ambient sounds of clanking weights and rhythmic grunts fill the space as San keeps his focus, driven by the thought of finishing strong.

San whips out his phone, shooting a text to Wooyoung, "Last set, then I'm all yours." Getting home to his lover faster was his motivation. He pushed himself as hard as ever in his last set, maxing out his weights.

After the intense workout, San eagerly checks his phone for a message from Wooyoung. Not seeing a response, he feels a small sting of disappointment. He quickly gathers his sweat-drenched towel  and the water bottle that's nearly empty after the grueling session. With a deep breath, he slings his gym bag over his shoulder, making his way out of the gym. The door closes with a soft thud behind him, his thoughts lingering on Wooyoung as he steps into the cool evening air.

He climbed into the company car. San always hated riding back alone, he hated being alone in general. He checked his phone one more time hoping Wooyoung could keep him company, but still no reply. With a small sigh he turned his gaze to the window. "I wonder what he's doing."

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