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As I stormed out of the room, my mind was a whirlwind of emotions. The cool night air hit my face, but it did little to calm the storm raging inside me. I walked aimlessly, each step fueled by a mix of anger, betrayal, and confusion. How could Wooyoung do this? We had always been honest with each other, or so I thought. I kept replaying the moment in my head, the way his eyes shifted uncomfortably, the hesitation in his voice. It was like a bad dream I couldn't wake up from.

Without even realizing it, my feet had taken me to a small park, one that Wooyoung and I used to visit all the time when we were trainees. The soft glow of the streetlights cast long shadows on the familiar ground. I sat down on a bench, the same bench where we had shared countless dreams and fears. The memories flooded back, tugging at my heart and making the hurt even more unbearable.

I remembered the late-night conversations, the laughter, and the promises we made to each other. This park had been our sanctuary, a place where we could escape the pressures of training and just be ourselves. Now, it felt like a cruel reminder of what I had lost. "How could he lie to me like that?" I thought. "After everything we've been through, how could he just throw it all away?"

I looked up at the sky, the stars twinkling like distant promises of hope. But right now, hope felt out of reach. I knew I couldn't stay mad at Wooyoung forever, but the betrayal stung. Trust was the foundation of our relationship, and now it felt like that foundation had been shaken. "Maybe I overreacted," I whispered to myself. "Maybe I was too hard on him."

As I sat there, the thought of ATEEZ without Wooyoung crept into my mind. The idea of our group moving forward without him was almost too painful to bear. He wasn't just a member; he was the love of my life. The thought of performing on stage without his energy, his smile, his presence—it was heartbreaking. "What will ATEEZ be without him?" I wondered. "Can we even be the same group without his spark?"

I start to break down, my tears soaking my face mask. The weight of the last two days, combined with underlying feelings of stress and anxiety, becomes too much to bear. My hands start to tremble as i clutch onto my hoodie. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing thoughts and emotions. I needed to think clearly, to figure out how to move forward. Walking away from the problem wasn't the solution; I knew that. But I needed this moment to myself, to process everything.

After a while, I stood up, feeling a bit more composed. I knew what I had to do. With a heavy heart but a determined mind, I started walking back to the practice room, ready to face the consequences and work towards fixing what has been broken. "One step at a time," I reminded myself. "We'll figure this out, one way or another."

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