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Their week-long break flew by. All the members spent it resting at the dorm, rarely ever leaving. They enjoyed each other's company and appreciated the time they got to spend together.

It was the last day of their break, and Wooyoung was feeling a mix of anxiety and readiness to get back to practicing normally. He knew he had to go for a check-up to get cleared for physical activity, and that thought lingered in his mind.

San noticed Wooyoung's nervousness and walked over to him, gently squeezing his hand. "Hey, it'll be alright," San reassured him with a soft smile. "You've been doing great, and the doctors will see that."

Wooyoung nodded, trying to take comfort in San's words. "I know, I just... I just want everything to be back to normal."

"We all do," San replied, pulling Wooyoung into a hug. "And it will be. One step at a time."

The other members gathered around, offering their support and encouragement. They knew how important this check-up was for Wooyoung and wanted to send him off with lots of support.

As they headed to the hospital, Wooyoung felt a sense of calm wash over him. With San by his side, he knew he could face anything.

Over the past week, Wooyoung had been doing better with his eating habits. San made sure to always encourage him and praise him for eating, regardless if it was a small amount or a big meal. With San's constant support and the positive atmosphere created by the members, Wooyoung started to feel more confident about his recovery. San would often prepare meals with Wooyoung, making the experience enjoyable and less stressful. Each time Wooyoung took a bite, San's reassuring words and warm smiles made a significant difference. The progress Wooyoung made, though gradual, was evident, and it filled him with a sense of hope and determination.

As they arrived at the hospital, Wooyoung took a deep breath, feeling the familiar wave of anxiety. San squeezed his hand again, grounding him. "Remember how far you've come," San whispered. "You're stronger than you think."

The doctor greeted them warmly and led Wooyoung through a series of routine checks. As they waited for the results, Wooyoung fidgeted nervously, but San never let go of his hand. Finally, the doctor returned with a smile. "Wooyoung, your progress is remarkable. You're cleared for physical activity, but remember to take it slow and keep up with your eating plan."

Relief washed over Wooyoung, and he turned to San, who was beaming with pride. "See? I told you," San said, pulling Wooyoung into a tight hug. The rest of the members cheered, their faces lighting up with joy.

As they left the hospital, Wooyoung felt a renewed sense of determination. With his friends' unwavering support and San by his side, he knew he could face the challenges ahead. The road to recovery was still long, but for the first time in a while, Wooyoung felt ready to embrace it.

When they returned to the dorm, the atmosphere was filled with a sense of accomplishment and relief. San had a surprise in store for Wooyoung. "Get ready," he said with a wink. "We're going out to celebrate your progress and make the most of our last night of break."

Wooyoung's eyes widened with excitement. "Really? Where are we going?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

"You'll see," San replied with a mysterious smile. "Just trust me."

Wooyoung quickly changed into something nice, feeling a mix of anticipation and happiness. San had planned the evening meticulously. They started with a visit to a cozy little restaurant that they both loved, one that held many cherished memories. The restaurant was nestled in a quiet corner of the city, with dim lighting and a warm, inviting ambiance. The aroma of freshly cooked dishes filled the air, making Wooyoung's stomach growl in anticipation.

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