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I slowly opened my eyes, feeling the soft sheets underneath me. I blinked a few times, trying to piece together how I ended up in bed. I couldn't remember when or how I got here, but I was thankful I didn't wake up on the floor.

As I turned my head, I saw my suitcase still open on the floor. At least I had managed to pack it, even if it was a bit messy. My eyes then wandered to the other side of the room, where San's luggage used to be. It was gone now. "Did he put me in bed?" The thought lingered in my mind. Despite the fact that San and I weren't on the best terms lately, I knew he would always look out for me. It seemed like something he would do, putting me in bed even if we weren't getting along.

With a sigh, I stretched and sat up, feeling a bit more rested. I got out of bed and walked over to my suitcase, closing it properly.

As I was closing my suitcase, Seonghwa burst into the room, looking frantic. "Oh, I'm glad you're up. We have to leave in five minutes. Hurry and get changed," he said, his voice filled with urgency.

I nodded my head, feeling the rush of adrenaline kick in. "Got it, hyung," I replied, immediately diving into my closet to grab my airport outfit. I quickly slipped into my comfortable jeans and hoodie, making sure everything was in place. As I pulled on my sneakers, I could hear Seonghwa pacing outside the door, his footsteps echoing his impatience.

"Wooyoung, are you almost ready?" Seonghwa called out, his tone a mix of concern and haste.

"Yeah, just a second!" I shouted back, giving myself one last look in the mirror. I checked every angle, making sure my hair was neat and my clothes were straight. Satisfied with my appearance, I grabbed my luggage and headed to the living room.

Seonghwa was already there, tapping his foot anxiously. "Finally! Let's go, we can't afford to be late," he said, grabbing his own bag and heading towards the door.

"Alright, alright, I'm ready," I replied, following him out. As we made our way to the car, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness for the tour ahead.

We all headed to the airport, our footsteps quick and purposeful. The plan was to land today, have a night practice, and then perform our show tomorrow. The schedule was tight, but it left little room for distractions, which I hoped would be a blessing in disguise.

After quickly going through security, we boarded our plane. As we settled into our seats, Seonghwa leaned over to me. "You okay, Wooyoung? You seem a bit off," he asked, concern evident in his eyes.

I forced a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about the practice tonight," I lied, hoping to steer the conversation away from my real worries. Seonghwa nodded, though he didn't look entirely convinced.

I appreciated the sentiment but couldn't shake the thoughts of San from my mind. I glanced out the window, watching the clouds pass by, and silently prayed that the busy schedule would help me forget, even if just for a little while.

I decided to nap for the flight since I probably wouldn't get much sleep the next couple of days. As I closed my eyes, I could hear the faint hum of the plane's engines and the quiet chatter of my bandmates. Despite the noise, exhaustion quickly took over, and I drifted off into a restless sleep.

In my dreams, I found myself back on stage, the bright lights blinding me as the crowd roared. But instead of feeling the usual rush of adrenaline, all I could think about was San. His absence felt like a heavy weight on my chest, making it hard to breathe. I woke up with a jump, my heart pounding, and realized that no matter how busy I kept myself, I couldn't escape my thoughts.

As I blinked away the remnants of the nightmare, I noticed San looking at me with a worried expression. His eyes were filled with concern, and it was clear he had seen my distress.

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