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I was lounging on the couch with Mingi, who was aimlessly scrolling through his phone. Suddenly, his eyes widened, and he nudged me.

"Yunho, check the group chat," he said urgently.

I grabbed my phone and opened the chat. Hongjoong's message was right at the top: "Just check the news. Wooyoung and San have been exposed. We need to figure this out."

My heart dropped as I clicked on the link to the article. There they were—photos of San and Wooyoung kissing, splashed all over the internet. I felt a surge of protectiveness and urgency. I typed out a quick update letting them know I would get the pair up.

"We need to wake them up," I said, jumping off the couch as i sent the text.

Mingi nodded, already up and moving. We hurried to the bedroom, and I knocked softly before pushing the door open. San and Wooyoung were cuddled together, looking so peaceful. I hated to disturb them, but this couldn't wait.

"San, Wooyoung, wake up," I said, shaking their shoulders gently but firmly.

San stirred first, blinking up at me in confusion. "Yunho? What's wrong?"

"Your relationship has been exposed," I said, keeping my voice as calm as I could. "There are photos. You need to get up."

San's eyes widened in shock. He turned to Wooyoung and shook him gently. "Wooyoung, wake up. We have a problem."

Wooyoung groaned, snuggling closer to San. "Five more minutes..."

"No, Wooyoung, this is serious," San insisted, his voice urgent.

Wooyoung finally opened his eyes, looking confused. "What's going on?"

"Your relationship was exposed. There are kissing photos of you two," Mingi said, showing them his phone.

San and Wooyoung exchanged a look, their faces pale. "What do we do now?" San asked, his voice shaky.

"We'll figure it out together," I assured them. "But first, you need to get up. We need to talk to Hongjoong and the others."

They nodded, the gravity of the situation sinking in. San and Wooyoung got up and quickly started getting dressed, their movements hurried but synchronized. Mingi and I stepped out of the room to give them some privacy and found Seonghwa waiting outside, his expression a mix of concern and determination.

"I'm going to join you at the company," Seonghwa said firmly, his eyes meeting ours.

Mingi and I nodded in agreement. "We're coming too," I said. "We need to be there for them, and we need to figure out how to handle this."

Seonghwa gave a tight smile, appreciating the solidarity. "Good. Let's make sure they know they're not alone in this."

Just then, San and Wooyoung emerged from their room, looking more composed but still visibly shaken. We all exchanged a look, a silent promise that we would face whatever came next together. With a sense of urgency and unity, we headed out, ready to support our friends and tackle the situation head-on.

During the ride to the company, I couldn't help but notice how visibly shaken San was. His leg shook the entire time, and even Wooyoung's reassuring words couldn't calm him down. The atmosphere in the car was tense, each of us lost in our own thoughts about what awaited us.

As we pulled up to the company, the scene outside was chaotic. A sea of media personnel crowded the entrance, cameras flashing wildly as soon as our car came into view. Seonghwa turned to us, his voice steady but urgent.

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