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Isabella's POV-

At school I bumped into someone on my way to my locker ...

" ooh my bad" I spoke as i looked up to see chresanto.

" It's ok . Hey aren't you isabella?" He asked

" yeah."

" oh well I'm roc nice to meet you and may I say you are fine.." He spoke kissing my hand.

" your not so bad your self well I'll catch you later." I said feeling my face turn a hot red.

" Cool see ya." He said winking and walking away.

bdhvfrsdbjgrb I just died and came back.

I went to my locker and got my stuff out for 1st period I walked in the class room and saw Avery siting by princeton who was in front of ray who was in front of roc who was behind prodigy,So i sat next to him.

" Hey."

" hey."

" hey you seem really cool can I get your number?" He asked

" sure give me your phone." I asked.

He gave me his phone and put my number in as "Isabella."

" here you go." I said handing him back his phone.

" Cool, I'll call you later." He smiled.

" Ok."

The teacher walked in and began teacher.

I felt Chresanto stare at me a few times here and there.

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