The wedding..

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  • Dedicated to The one who voted

Please look in the external links for Isabella's dress and the ring is on the side so You Know Enjoy..

He stood at the wedding aisle waiting for his lovely wife to appear. He palms began to sweat as he heard the music play indicating she was coming. First came out was Tre and India who tossed lovely rosses on the floor. Then His dream girl came out. She was dressed in her lovely wedding dress. She was hand and hand with the best man. Craig. She smiled at roc who was swaeting nervously. Then Craig let go of her hand and kissed her cheek and walked away. The other Brides and Grooms lined up next to Chresanto forming a type of "V" shape. Chresanto looked over at Jacob who winked at him. Then Chresanto looked in the seats and saw his mom and family and friends. Then he looked back at Isabella was now standing in font of him. I smiled and she smiled back. The pastor started to speak.

" Chresanto Romelo Lorezo August Do you Take this woman as your lawfully wedded wife, to live in the holy estate of matrimony ? " He spoke

" Do you promise to love, Honor, comfort and cherish her from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only onto him for as long as you both shall live"

"I do"

"Isabella Jamie Jancie Johnson  Do you Take this man as your lawfully wedded husband, to live in the holy estate of matrimony ? " He spoke

" Do you promise to love, Honor, comfort and cherish him fromthis day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only onto him for as long as you both shall live"

"I Do"

"Know the couples as ther own vows they would like to say"  The pastor stepped back.

"I Isabella Jamie Jancie Johnson Take you Chersanto Remelo Lorezo August to have and hold from this day forward, For better or worse. For richer or poorer in sinckness and in health. Til death do us part. and here by I pledge you my faithfulness"

"Isabella I take you be my partner in live and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and I will love you Today. I will love you tomorrow and I will love you forever. I will trust and I will honor you. I will laugh and cry with you. I will love you faithfully through the best and worst. I will love you  though the difficult and the easy. What may come I will always be there. As I have given you my hand to hold. So I give you my live to keep. I know I may not be the best or perfact but with you my flaw fade away. And I Love you Isabella"

" You may now kissed to bride"

Chresanto leaned in and kissed Isabella more passionately that he ever kissed her. He pulled away and looked in to her eyes and placed the ring on her finger as Isabella did the same. Everyone cheered and "awe" then Isabella and Chresanto stepped on to the dance floor for the cutting of the cake. The fed each other the cake then shared the couples dance.

Then all the woman formed a circle for the flowers to be tossed. Isabella tossed them in the air only for them to caught by an woman who seemed to look a lot like Isabella with her carmel skin. chocolate brown eyes and her Golden blonde hair with Dark brown roots. Isabella thought of her mom Dela. Who's name she got tattoo on her arm at the age of seventeen. She looked into the woman eyes and spoke.

"Mother". " Yes, Isabella it's me" she spoke. Isabella cried and kissed her mom." But I thought you were dead" she spoke. "No I wasn't your dad had someone fake my death while I ran away. I've been watching since you were tweleve. I saw you kiss Chresanto and I was there for the birth of all you kids." She spoke. "Wow. I thought I never see you again" Isabella spoke. "yeah.. I've living with Avery and Jaden smith" she said. "Oh" Isabella spoke softly she hadn't seen Avery since she moved to new York.

"Come on babe it's time to go h-" Chresanto spoke as walked over to Isabella and her mom unaware that that was her mom. "Babe this is my mom Dela. Mom this is Chresanto" Isabella spoke. "Hello Mrs. J-" Dela cut him off. "Oh no call me mom" She spoke. as she hugged him.. "You two should get going now" She spoke. They nodded and walked outside with India, Tre destiny Santo and the guys to me met by Paparazzi and fans. "ROC ROC CAN I GET YOU AND ISABELLA's SIGNATURE PLEASE'" One fan screamed getting his attention. he walked over there with Isabella to sing her poster. " I love you guys" She spoke. "we love you too" Isabella giggled as they signed her poster. "wanna picture with us" Roc asked. "Yeah" The fan began to take out her phone to lean in but roc picked the eleven year old fan over the gate for a picture. She pulled out her phone to take a picture she got five pictures with her and roc her Isabella and her and both of them Her and the whole family  and her the guys then her and everybody. 'hey do you have a Facebook" He asked pulling out his phone. the happy fan nodded yes. "what you name" H e asked. "Chaquila Franklin She spoke. He nodded and made a post saying. "Best fan ever" and took a picture of him and her and posted it on Facebook, twitter and Instagram... he took one more picture before he gave her a Mindless behavior ticket for all their shows for the next two or three year including air fair, and rides included with back stage passes for five people.. "Thank you roc" She screamed as she hugged him one last time. "Your welcome' He spoke as he pulled out her phone and kissed her cheek and took a picture. the  placed her back over the gate."Bye Roc' She waved as he got into the limo. "Bye" He waved as she shut the door.

Yall know they went home and did the nasty..

The End..

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