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NextDay _______________________________________________________________________________ Isabella's POV : I woke up this morning and felt someone's nice warm arm's wrapped around me it was a weird feeling but it felt nice and comfortable but then I had to pee so I went to the bathroom man my leg's hurt like crazy....

_______________________________________________________________________________ Roc's POV: Yes as you all know me and my babe did the nasty yeah yeah and I did wear protection I don't need kid's at the age of 19 I have some when I'm 20 or 21 or 22 ... But yeah where's is my babe she isn't in my arm's anymore......

_________________________________________________________________________________ Roc- * walked in the bathroom* Hey babe

Isa- umm I'm on the toilet

Roc- Ok well then good morning

Isa- good morning

Roc- hey when can we have kid's

Isa- when next year maybe

Roc- Ok * Smiling really HARD and walked out the bathroom*

Isa- um ok awkward *finished in the bathroom and walked out*

Isa- * walked in the room where her babe was * Why you smiling so hard

Roc- I don't know I'm just happy * wrapping arm's around her *

Isa- well ok * leaning on his chest * I love you

Roc- ILY too

Isa-ok umm you do know its 8:45 and we have school

Roc- Holy crap i forget ok hurry up and get ready

Isa- ok ok * got ready*

Roc- kk cool you done now lets go

Isa- * got in the car*

Roc- * also go in the car*

Isa- So why we rushing

Roc- cause its the last day to get the tickets and book the hotel for prom

Isa- but don't we gotta pay

Roc- *girl voice* Giiiirrrlll I carryy around 20,000 in my wallet

Isa- Dang for what to buy a car or a house

Roc- No cause I like to make it Rain

Isa- O.O what

Roc- umm I like money

Isa- oh ok you better

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