He's still a thug..it aint change

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Karen's POV-
Today was the day I decided to change my look so I Cut my hair (On the side) I think I look good. 

Isabella's POV

Today is the day we leave for chicago.Roc got ray,prod.prince and rocky in his car.India got corhan,Tre.I got Karen,Destiny and amy and cece in my landrover."Ok karen help me put these bags in the back" I spoke."Ok I got you" she came and took the bags and put the bags in the back,"Thanks" I said getting the driver seat."No problem"she said.."Next stop the CHI" I said pulling out the drive way as India and Roc followed behide me.

Roc royal's POV

"Ay give him the phone" I said handing princeton my phone so he can give it to rocky."Ok I did" He spoke.

India's POV-

"Tre sit down and put Kane In the seat" I spoke." Ok india"

OK I now its short but I got like two more storys to update tho. and Ima make the new book in august..

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