Used to be

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Roc's pov-

It's been three months and I still ain't got My baby or my kids back but India came home asking all these damn questions and shit about Isabella.. Like nigga you want me to cry. :| 3

But no lie I fucked up tho..and who knows what the fuck he doing to my damn kids.he a lucky motherfucker tho cause I don't know where he lives.with his bitch ass..I fucking miss my damn wi-ex wife and kids DAMN..

Isabella's pov-

I sat in his bed and cried I never felt this stupid and dumb.I knew he was to be true I should have never left roc now I'm trapped in this house being used and abused..."ay bitch clean yo ass up and clean this house and feed them kids of your I'm going out" Derrick said walking to the bathroom."Do it yo damn self" I mumbled.thos he speed walked over to "bitch say some shit eles do what the fuck I say before I rape yo ass again"he yelled grabbing my hair "I'm s-sorry" I spoke."better be" he said letting of my hair.Then walking out.After three hours of cleaning I made tre and the twins some food."mommy he hits the twins and me"Tre spoke in a low tone."when.where" I asked."my back and he bits rocky and dezzi he's been doing it since you started dating him " Tre spoke..I lifted I up his shirt to see black and blue bruises on his back I tired so hard to hold back my tears but they just kept falling then I touched his back and he flinched so I just left them alone I looked at dezzi and rockys arm they had a ton of bruises then Tre grabbed the twins and left right before Derrick came in."where the hell is my food" he yelled.I hurried and made his plate and handed it to him and walked away to only be pulled back."be ready for tonight" he whispered in my ear then letting me again he tired to have sex with me but I refused so he r-raped me.I know you like why not call 911 well he broke my phone and tre left his at rocs house..I'm trapped in this hiding behide these black shades..

Roc's pov

I decided to listen to pandora and all that came on was missing you and used to be and love forget this Ima go to sleep..(DREAM)

News head lines:A woman named Isabella August was found beaten to death with her three kids Tre August ,Destiny August,chresanto August were all found raped and beaten to death..

I was watching the new when that came on Derrick walked on my room and shot me in my leg."nigga die" he spoke before shooting me in my head..killing me..I popped out of my sleep checking my phone seeing that's its 3 Am might as well try to sleep..


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