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( they went back to roc's house )

Roc- I'm going to school tomorrow you coming

Isa- yeah

( BLAH BLAH BLAH at school )

** Isabella's POV : I was walking holding Roc's hand and Avery was holding Prod's hand and Ray and prince were behind us then Oliva and Eva walked up to us and started some shit they ain't bout to finish**

Oliva- well if it aint hoe one and hoe two ( rubbing on roc's chest )

isa- first if all aint no body a hoe but you ( pushing her hand away )

Olive - Bitch don't touch me ( pushed her )

isa- Bitch don't touch me

Oliva- do something about it

Isa- ( pulled her by her stanky ass weave threw her on the ground and just kept punching her really hard in her face )

Roc- ok ok get off her ( trying to pull her off )

Isa- ( kept punching her )

Prod- ( pulled her off ) stop it sis she ain't worth it

Avery - she ain't worth it with that $15 dollar weave

Eva- Bitch I know you aint talking your weave aint no more than 150 cause mines cost that much

Avery - First of all I don't wear weave this shit is real hoe

eva - yeah ok ( grabbed Oliva and walked off )

Roc- damn ( laughing )

Prod- umm anyways let's go

Isa- ok

~~~~ 1st period~~~~~~

Isabella's POV: So I'm in 1st period and it's so boring thank God it's over tho...

~~~~ lunch ~~~~~

Avery- isabell can you believe them hoes

Isa- yup what was funny was when she was like girl yo weave ain't more than 150 dollars

Avery- I know I'm like bitch ain't no body got no god damn weave my shit real

Isa- Oh look there go the boy's let go over there

Avery- Ok

** they sat at the table**

Prod- Sis guess what

Isa- wat

prod- prince ( GCO)

Roc- Princeton and Ray got girlfriends

Prod- well damn nigga I cant say it

Roc- you took to long

Isa- * laughing* who

prod- you know wait shut the hell up roc

Roc- ok damn

prod- Ok you know Destiny and Jade

Isa- yeah

Prod- Princeton dates Jade and Ray dates Destiny

Isa- Aint they twins

Ray- yup

Isa- wow

(A:N - white hat Jade and black Destiny )

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