I Got My Girl Back.

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Roc's POV-

I'm On My Way To Get Isabella, Tre. And Rocky, Dezzi. I've Been Smiling The Whole Way To The Hospitial. When I arrived I was greeted by the nurse at the fornt desk.

"Sir are you here for Isabella,Tre and Chresanto and Destiny" The lady spoke.

"Yes, How'd you know" I asked.

"Cause the little over there says he's waiting for his daddy" She spoke pointing to Tre who was sitting in the waiting room limping around with his cast.

I walked over to Tre and watched him as he limped around saying. "My daddy's coming,My daddy's coming"

I smiled and picked him. "Daddy's here" I spoke. He smiled and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Let's Go Get mommy" He said smiling. I nodded and walked and picked up Destiny and rocky. So I got Destiny In one arm and Rocky in the other and Tre on my back.

We walked into Isabella's room she was just sitting there on the edge of her bed and twisted her ring. I walked in and kissed her cheek. She looked up at me and smiling.

"Roccy" She screamed as she limped over to me and hugged me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"My Boo" I spoke as I smiled and pulled away.

"Let's go Home" She spoke as she grabbed her bag.

I nodded and grabbed the kids and her and walked to the car.

When we made it home I just smiled and watch as Tre sat down and allowed Destiny and Rocky to jump all over him.

I watched as Isabella limped upstairs to our room. So I ran In front and opened the door for her.

"Thanks" She spoke. I nodded and started to walk out.

"Wait". "Come cuddle with me" She spoke. I turned and looked at her. "Please". I walked over and took my shirt off and crawled in bed next to her. She scooted closer to me and began to cry. (Aw shit Isabella yo cry baby ass) Hey shut..

"H-he R-raped me" She cried in my chest. I rubbed her back. "H-h-he b-beat me and t-the kids" I kissed her forhead. " Its ok I got you now he cant and wont hurt you anymore" I spoke. She looked up at. "Really" she spoke. I wiped her tears and kissed her forehead. "Yes Really"


Was It Good Bad did you like yes ,no. Are you going to vote. You should.

Karen- *walks in* When the wedding.

Me- Why

Karen- Cause I wanna marry my baby prod.

Me- Soon and you and prod got kids

Karen- yeah

Me- nasty asses

Prod- *walks in* Ayy I gotta beat it up.

Me- *shakes head* Please leave..now

Prod & Karen- Fine

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