Well then (CHPT..31)

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Sorry guy's that I haven't really been on my laptop got tooken away but I'm using the desktop so it all got and PS: PLEASE VOTE ..


they went back to Isabella and Roc's house and talked and what not until it was time to pick up tre ... 

Isa- Hi tre

Tre- My teacher wants to talk to you

Isa- what did you do now
Tre's teacher- Um Mrs.August                                                      

Teacher- yeah tre he's a little more advanced so we will be boosting him up to Kinder garden..

Isa- ok

Teacher- and Here's his phone,Ipod and beats


Tre-Can we gp see daddy now


(PS: the twins are at dig's house if you wondering)

Roc's Job

Tre- daddy daddy

roc- hey little man *Picked up tre*

Isa- he's in Kinder garden now

Roc- forreal

Tre- yup

Roc- good job

Tre- Can I get some new neats and new earrings

Roc- why not

Tre- yayayaayayayayayayaya

Prince- Hey Chicka

Isa- hi prince

prince- where the twins

Isa- at digs

prince- aww

Roc- yoo karen did you take care of umm Oliva

Karen- oh yeah

Roc- oh were the twis

Isa- Digs house

Roc- aww

Tre- daddy can I stay with you

Roc- sure

Isa- well I goinh to dig's

Roc- ok 

tre- bye mommy

Isa- bye


Isabella got her belly button pierced

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