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2:56 A.M

Isabella's POV:

Omg my water just broke..

Isa- babe wake up * shaking roc*

Roc- * sleepy voice* huh

Isa- my water just broke go get tre ready

Roc- * shot up* ok ok

Tre's Room:

Roc- tre wake up

Te- * sleep*

Roc- man for get this *grabbed his jacket and shoes and tre*

Isa- Im ready

Roc- Ok let me put him in the car the Ill help you in

5 mins later

Roc- ok let go * picked her up and grabbed her bag lets go *




Doctor- I ready push on 31...2...3

Roc- * laughing*

Isa- * grabbed his hand* UUGGGGHHH

Roc- * screamed** Im sorry

Doctor-On more push


Doctor- ok last baby this is the boy


* pop went the baby *

Doctor- umm ok and here's you twin what are you gonna name them

Tre- * woke up fast* Destiny Jade August and Chresanto Lorenzo Remelo August .Jr


Doctor- Ok Mrs.August you have to stay here for two days then you can go home with the babies

Isa- ok

Doctor-*left the room*

Tre- dwady

Roc- yes

tre- call uncle prod and prince and ray and my baybees

Roc- ok

Everyboody came and gave her flowers and gifts and some good food that prod gave her ...

<><><>><><>><>><>><><>< 2 days later<><>><>><<>><>>>

Isa- Roc grab lil you so we can hurry up and get out this place

Roc- ok

Isa- tre you ready

tre- yes mowmy

Later on at the house

Roc- babe are they sleep yet ?

Isa- * comes down stairs * yupp

Roc- cool

Isa- tre come cuddles with mommy

Tre- Ok :D

Roc- wait I thought we were cuddling

Isa- yeah you thought

Roc- mann

Roc's Pov:

well I was sitting on the couch and I saw Isabella sleep while holding tre in her arms So I picked up tre and tucked him bed.. Then carried Isabella to bed checked on the twins and went to bedd...

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