Sleepless nights

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Roc's POV-

Goddamn I goaned and rolled over facing the clock to see its 5:14. ugghh I cant fucking sleep goddamn it..I need fucking Isabella..

I walked out of my room to pass India's room and hear moans. Ew Nasty asses.. anyway walking to the twins room. man I miss little santo he looked just like me. man what didn't I just see something out the window. what the fuck why is the bush moving..what maybe its just the wind Im going crazy..

Well let me go in the fornt room.. and watch Tv.. man fuck this shit its not fun to watch tv with out Isabella cuddling with me..


Me and Isabella played call of duty all night long.. I even got to cuddle with her while she slept I miss the way she holds my torso.. I miss the way she kissed me.. I missed the way she said she loves me..

End of that shit

Fuck I miss her so damn much.. I feel bad for hurting her well I did get my girl  back tho.. damn for my ass to be 23 Im fucking childish as fuck Tre acts older than me. Im fucking imature as shit.. I MISS ISABELLA SO FUCKING MUCH GODDAMN THESE SALTY ASS TEARS BURNING MY DAMN EYES.. I miss her and now I look fucking terriable thank to no damn sleep. shit

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