Tre's B-Day surprise

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Isabella's POV-

It's tre's birthday. even thought it's 2:46 in the morning Im still up wrapping his gifts..I got him the neon beats and some new jordans and an XBOX 360 and an DSI..And Roc's coming for his birthday..

*ring ring isabella's phone went off*




R-open the door we outside


Roc- *walked in* where he at

Isa- sleep its 3 A.M

Roc- oh..yeah

Prince- well Ima bring in the dog

Isa- DOG!

Prince- yeah *brings the dog in*

Isa- aww its cute..put it in his room

Prince- k

Tre's POV-

I woke up and there was a pitbull in my room at the end of my bed laying down looking at me...I guess its mine..

Tre- hey buddy *patting the dog*

Doggy- *stodd up*

Tre- I guess your my dog now

Dog- *stuck his paw out*

Tre- *high fived him* Ima name you kane

Dog- *looking around*

Tre- come on lets go down stairs

Isa- Happy Birthday baby

Tre- Im not a baby Ima man

Roc- *walked in* you sure are

Tre- *turned around* DADDDYYYN !!!!!!!!! *jumped on roc*

Roc- *hugged tre* I missed you

Tre- I missed you too

Roc- the guys are here too

Tre- and aunt kren

Kren- *wlaked in* YUP

Tre- baby *hugged kren*

Kren- *hugged back* Happy birthday

Tre- Thank you

AMy- happy birthday

Tre- thank you

Roc- Now go get dressed so you can open your gifts

Tre- ok *ran upstairs*

Isa- Dxmn he can run

Kren- you aint lying

Roc- did you pick out his outfit

Isa- nope we went shopping and he picked it out

Roc- aww

And blah blah

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