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Roc has been with isabella for 3 weeks since she go out the sospital

isabella's POV:

Man I'm out of the hospital and roc said they he's going back on tour because he only has two more weeks left and he dosen't want his babies to get hurt so amy,karen,kimberly and heather and megan will be staying in the house with me so yeah well roc just walked in the room..

Roc- * kissed Isabella* bye babe Im off

Isa- ok

Roc- but i'll be back soon so yeah

Isa- but now I dont want you to go i want to stay

Roc- I know but i'll only be gone for 2 week then it will be me and you

Isa- Ok * blushing*

Roc- Ok tell tre daddys loves him

Isa- ok

* Karen walked in*

Isa- hey kare

Kren- hey

Isa-what u doin

kren- nun

isa- umm ok well what u wanna do

kren- idk

Isa- well ima bout to go to sleep

kren- ok

Isabella's dream

Isa- roc tre roc

* not answer*

I D- * pops up* hello daughter

Isa- what the fuk dad where roc and tre

I D- oh that boy ro he's over there

Isa- * sees his dead body * no omg where tre

I D- DEAD right along with diggy,Isreahl,Karen,prod,ray,prince,amy ,heather,kimberly and Destiny and Lil santo

isa- * Crying*

I D- next to die is you

Isa- no I wont let you kill

I D- who's gonna stop me your dead husband

Isa- * got a knife* NO ME BITCH

I D- wow Im so scc (GCO)

Isa- * stabed him* die bvtch die


Isa- wow that was crazy what time is it * looks at her phone * wow 1:36 A.M.. well I'm check on Destiny

picture of her on the side she is 11 months old

isa- aww look at dezzi sleeping so cute

Tre- *sleepey vioce* mommy

Isa- yes tre

tre- I cant sleep

Isa- ok come lay with mommy

tre- ok

Isabella picked te up and put him in her bed and went to sleep...

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