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Isabella's POV :

I wake up smelling good food and see roc shirt-less holding a tray with food on it ..


roc- Good Morning babe

Isa- Good morning what is who all for

Roc- you it's your birthday isn't

Isa- Thank you

Roc- your welcome

Isa- *takes tray and eat's the food*

Roc- well hurry up and get dressed we Got to go to school :\

isa- yeah yeah yeah I know


Roc's POV:

All I see is my baby walk out the bathroom with this dope ass outfit on damn she looking good ..


Roc- well you look hella-fine

Isa- thanks

Roc- you ready to go

Isa- yeah

------------------------------------------school---------------------1st period--------------------------------------------------Isa- hey avery,bro (prod),prince,ray,dezzi (Destiny), and Jay (jade)


Prod- sup

prince- hey

Ray- hey


Avery- HAPPY BIRTHDAY * hands her a box*

Isa- thanks what is it * opening the box*

Avery- An Ipod 5

Isa- Thank you * hugged Avery*

prod- here *hands here a gift bag*

Isa- omg beats thanks bro there awesome * hugs*

Prod- your welcome sister *hugs back*

ray- here

isa- OMG Blue Orchids who did you find these they're RARE

ray- I got my ways

Isa- well they're great ways * hugged him* Thank you

Ray- you'r welcome * hugged back*

prince- here * handed her a little box*

Isa- Omg this is an awesome necklace

Prince- here let me help you * put it on her neck *

isa- thanks * hugged him *

Prince- * hugged back * your welcome

Isa- Roc its your turn

Roc- oh youll get it later see I cant carry it around

Isa- well ok I just put these flowers in my locker for now and go to class


Isabella's Pov:

So I'm walking in the class room and I see Oliva mean mugging me


Isa- Ummm hello bitch is there a problem

Oliva- yes here is you

Isa- why cause you hatin

Oliva- hatin on what

Isa- My hair cause it's real , My ass cause it's big and My boob's cause their real and bigger and my face cause it looks good without makeup and me cause I'm not a hoe unlike you ...

Oliva- Girl please * walked away*

Avery- yes bye bye now bye *waving* * mean mugged * hoe

Prod- * laughing * wow

( everybody was sitting by their boyfriend and girlfriend)

Roc- So um babe where do you wanna go for your birthday

isa- I wanna go see my mother's grave

roc- ok I'll take you there

Isa- awesome oh and can we got to the beach

Roc- sure why not but go over Avery's house and get dressed than meet me at the house and wear a swim suite and something pretty

Isa- Ok


After school

Isabella's POV:

I straight to Avery's house to get ready I put on A Red and white striped sun dress with tan sandals and under that I had on a Red and white striped 2 piece swim suite...


Roc Pov -

I saw my babe walking out Avery house's looking fine


*** Isabella got in

Roc- hey babe where to first

Isa- grave then beach then house

Roc- ok


Roc's POV:

I took babe out to see her mom's grave she got some flowers and put them on her grave then see started to cry a little ...


Roc- Babe don't cry she's in a better place now * rubbing her back *

Isa- I know but it's how she left

Roc- how'd she die

Isa- see I was in the 7th grade and I just got my report card and went home to see my dad r-raping my mom and she was crying then he smacked her and than t-tried to rape me but my mom stopped him and smacked him and told me to go to my room then i went to the room and i came back out cause i wanted to see what happen because i heard something break so i watched him push in and out of my mom then he smacked her and got his gun and Shot her in her head then he saw me i ran to my room and he tried to get in and he did but when he came in I was gone and I was running to Avery's house ... And after that my mom died i think they found her in the wood's.. And when I came home that's when he started beating me..

Roc- oh you were that girl I saw running and crying that day

Isa- yes

Roc- ok well you wanna go to the beach now

Isa- yeah

Beach: BLAH BLAH BLAH they went swimming and talked and stuff


Roc's House :

Isabella and Roc made love good love


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