The get my girl back

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Roc Royal's POV-

Today is the day.That I get my girl back.Tre was at school and I got Karen to pick him up and I got Prod to pick up the twins and right now there at Cece and Diggy's house...I got the gang together and we had a meeting."alright so Karen you come in from the back and me and roc come in from the front after you give us the singal" Spoke prod."Alright" Karen nodded.We left the table and got our vest and guns ready and what not..

Isabell's POV-
"FOR THE LAST TIME WHERE TF IS TRE" Derrrick yelled at me for the third time."I-d dont know." I spoke. scotting to a coner..."YES THE F_CK YOU DO..STOP LIEING" He yelled at he punched me in the stomac making me cough up blood.which was mixed with my salty tears."Ok We going to do this the hard way" He spoke.Before he took off his belt and started wacking me until I started to bleed.then he started punching me in face face and everywhere eles.then then he grabbed my arm and twisted til it snapped. I closed my eyes for five minutes as my body went numb.I opened my eyes derrick was still punching me.Then he stabbed me in my stomac making me whimper very loud.Then I blacked out..

Roc Royal's POV-

I walked in the house just in time.But I was to late he had stabbed Isabella I ran over to him and punched him in the face causeing him to pass out.Then Karen walked in and derrick woke up and smacked her then kaen and him started fighting I wasnt really paying attention Then I looked over at Isabella who's arm was black and purple and her stromac was bleeding and he face was bleeding she had I ton of cut.I picked her up and carried her to my car and placed her in the back seat not caring if there was blood on it or not.I tired so hard to hold my tears back but they just fell.Then I heard isabella call my name."R-roc" She spoke in a faint voice.I looked back at her."Y-yes isabella".."I-ima sorry" She spoke before closing her eyes."Im sorry too" I spoike before speeding to the hospitial.When I walked in the took Isabella away.I then sat in the waiting room and began to pace back and forward.Then the room soon filled with.Ray and the gang."Roc sit down" Prince spoke trying to calm me down.I did as told in sat..."Family For Isabella August." A doctor spoke.We all stood up."Ok well I have good news and bad.The good is that she is fine.The bad news is that she had been raped." We they said that it made my blood boil."But she is fine and she had been stabbed in her stomac but she is fine and that she i doing great and she has a broken arm and you may visit her but one at a time so who would like to go first." The doctor spoke.I nodded and walked to her room she was watching TV.From a far she looked ok but up close not so much..(LLOL ROC YOU WRONG >_<).."H-hi Isabella" I spoke.She looked at me then back at the TV."Hi" She spoke her voice was harsh."I-im sorry Isabella" I spoke holding my head down.I ran her hand across my hand.making me look at her.but I quickly looked down cause I was crying."Why are you sorry." She asked as she picked up my head and wiped my head."Cause I cheated on you and lied and I broke my promise to keep you safe" I spoke.(Yall should rember that chapter with the promise ring).."Dont be sorry.I forgive you.I should have known it's you roc.." She spoke looking back at the TV..well d-mn am I that bad.I know I put her through alot,And broke her heart by cheating But she's my R.O.D..she was there to bail me out of jail when I got arrested.And she did give birth to my kids and she has always been by my side no matter how much I hurt her.She has been by my side..She dosent know how much Im sorry.All the money in the world couldnt compare to what my shawty's worth...She's My Mrs.Right,My R.O.D, My one and only lover,My babymama.."Isabella" I spoke looking up at her."Yes chresanto" She said llokign at me.I got on one knee..and took out the at Isabella who had.tears in her eyes."Isabella I know Im not perfact..I know I've hurt you alot,You are my R.O.D and you were right your are the mother of my kids,You were there ome out of jail.And I-I Just want to know Isabella will You Give Me Another Chance To Be Your Husband." I spoke looking up with tears in my eyes."Y-yes I will" She spoke.I got of my knees and slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her with a whole lot a of passion.When I pulled away isabella was breath less..I wiped her tears away then I heard a ."awe" I looked back to see Prod and Karen holding eachother and Corhan and india cuddling,along with Ray and Destiny Cuddling toghether and prince and amy.."So  when is the weddding." Karen spoke."soon" Me and Isabella both spoke..just then another doctor walked in.."Um Are anyone of you the parents of Tre August,Destiny august and Chresanto august Jr.." A doctor asked." there a promble." I spoke."yes well it seems all three of them were abused and The oldest child recived a broken Arm and a twisted ankle while the babyies have each twisted wrists." She spoke."What room are there in" I asked getting worried."Oh Room 216" she spoke.I just ran right passed her and ran into the room. where all the kids were.and Dezzi and Rocky were up watching spongebob.while tre as sleeping and hooked up to the respiratory.I waked up to him and touched his ahir.And he opened his eyes and looked at me and smiled."daddy" He spoke ina whishper  loud enough to get dezzi and rocky's attention.."daddy" They screamed and ran and attacted my legs.So I picked them up and kissed them."Daddy" tre spoke in a low tone."Yes" I said looking  at hm."Are you and momm back tgether." He asked fiddling with his fingers."Yes we are" I spoke.He smiled and looked back at the tv.I looked over at dezzi and rocky who were knocked out on my shoulders so I softly put them back down in the bed and walked back to the fornt desk.."Yes sir" The lady at the fornt desk smiled and looked up at me."Um when can Isabella,Tre,Destiny and Chresanto august come home." I asked.."Um in two day" she spoke."Thank you" I spoke before walking away...I walked into the waiting room and everybody stared at me."They can leave in two day" I spoke everyone nodded and walked out.karen came back and smacked me."Isabella said do that" she said and walked away.Ow she gon learn to stop hitting me.I walked out and got in my car and looked back at my back seat which was covered in blodd.I got a towel and wipped as much as I could up.Then I drove to the jewrly sore and bought Four gold chains and three gold diamond necklaces and got Isabella name carved in one then,I got Destiny's named carved in one and India's name carved in one..."That will be $1200 dallors." The cashier spoke.I just nodded and payed and walked out and drove home.and went to sleep.


Wow how'd you like that chapter.Vote please and Comment of what You Think.And Um Ima start the new book soon but I ned help with the cover.So if you know how to make awsome covers Message me please...


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