A shower of gifts.

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Isabella's pov-
Since I've been home roc has been showering me with gifts. Like yesterday he bought me six pairs of Versace sunglasses and six more diamond rings. "Isabella and India come on" roc spoke grabbing me off the couch. " wait where we going" I asked. "To nails and hair shop" he said. " had us at nails" I said as I got on the car. Blah y'all know how us girls do when we getting our hair and nails done.
Leaving the hair shop going home.
"India if I get smacked in the face one more time with your weave Ima cut it off" Roc said in annoyed tone. " I'm sorry but its just to soft and bouncy and curly and..and I love it" India spoke as she ran her fingers through her hair. Lol but the weave can work magic tho. And did I mention our nail its just like BAM that just BAMING good. Oh yeah but any ways when we walked in the house Tre instaly sat on the couch and started texting."who you texting Tre ?" I asked."Chaquila" he said not looking up from his phone."oh how long y'all been friends" "um since the wedding and thanks for the HTC mom" " your welcome". He put his phone down and looked up at me. "Mom can I have $300 dollars" he asked."for what" I spoke. "To fly Chaquila her for the summer. Can I please" he begged."asked your dad". "Card is on the table" roc yelled from the kitchen. Tre limped over to the table and grabbed credit card. And then sitting back on the couch.
I laughed the funny thing. About it is that he's 12 and she's 11 and they'd make a cute couple. Even though we all know he likes her. i dont know why he hides it..

The day Chaquila came to visit..

I walked down stairs it six in the morning and what do I see. I tre and Chaquila on the couch on thier Ipad. Chaquila was sitting across his lap..how cute.

"Morning mom" Tre spoke. "Good morning Chaquila and tre" I spoke. "Morning" Chaquila said. I nodded and went into the kitchen and looked in the fridge. "Do yall wanna go to Ihop" I asked loud enough so they could here me. When I closed the fridge I almost had a heart attack. There stood Ray,Prod,Prince4,Roc,Chaquila,Tre,India,Corhan,Destiny,Santo and Emily,Amy,Karen and  Diggy,cece, Danny, and their son and the rest of the gang. "Yes" They all said in a unison.

"Ok but get dressed and be ready by ten and yall better drive your own car." I said as I walked out to get dressed


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