Things go bad..

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Isabella's P.O.V-

India,Tre.Rocky and Destiny and I were in the fornt room chilling.
Until roc ran in covered in blood he was shoot. "Omg what happend" said India " T-h-ey shoot me"... " Who?" "Y-M-B ( young money b*tch)" said roc.. I watched as tre ran the roc and kissed him has roc fell to the floor and his eyes closed.. Then Y-M-B Came in and grabbed tre and India and Me... they put the twins on the floor.. "You must be Isabella" One dude asked "y-yes" I answered " Oh well someone put a hit on your family so you have do dide I dont want to do this but I have to" He shot me in my stomac I then fell to the floor. And watched has they shot India in the chest as tre cried. They shot tre in his neck he instaly died they took the twins and left... I watched as my eyes began to heavy and tre calwed over to me . "I love you mommy" I love you to baby" I watched as he's eyes closed and so did mine............

{The End}

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