mommy's home

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Isabella's POV

it's been. two weeks since I got out the hospital I've been calm but roc has been so busy with the gang now all I get is a 'hi' and 'bye' like -.- no kiss tho

'OK bye babe I'm off' said roc 'No stop right there and turn the fuck ariund' . 'but baee' roc whined. 'base my ass now ever since I got out the hostpial me and u have not spent any time together I miss us' 'I know I miss us too' he said 'fine but be back before six' 'what the hell..six' 'ya six' I said 'fineee'

'indii' 'uh' 'whatcha doing' I asked 'putting the kids to bed' 'oh OK' well indi keeps me company 'OK all done ' India said as she sat down next to me.'hey do you now corhan' she asked 'yeah that's diggy's brother like him"... 'weelll a little you think you can hook us up' said said.."I would happen to know he likes you too' I said.'how' India asked.'yeah it's all over his twitter and facebook '...


awww India has a crush on Corhan I mean who wouldn't he sexyyy tho but yeah

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