sister & brother ???

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Isa's P.O.V-

Well I guess it was time to feed them chubby twins cause they are screaming "food".. So I guess Me and roc will fedd them I had Rocky and Roc had dezzi. and it looked he was struggling... Its was kinf od funny

Roc- I cant do this d*mn sh*t.. He wont eat it

Isa- Maybe beacuse you aint warm it up and she dosen't like cold

Roc- oh my bad *warmed it up*

Isa- dumba**

Roc- (grabbed Isa'a a**) what you say

Isa- D-u-m-b-a-s-s

Roc- Oh really Im dumb but you call me daddy tho

Tre- why does she call you daddy

Roc- ............... Isa you gonna take this

Isa- NOPE I wanna know my self

Roc- cause its a....GAme yeah a game

Tre- oh well ok daddy will you play football with me 

Roc- no

Tre- Please

roc- no


Roc- fine wait till I get done feed Destiny

Tre- K :)

Isabella's P.O.V-

I was cleaning up and puting the twins to bed out of no where I heard tre scream.... Roc carried him in and he was crying tre's arm was purple...

Isa- d*mn roc what you do step on his arm

Roc- no he felll

Isa- tre you gotta be more careful

We took him to the hospital when we came back Karen,Prod and prince were in the front room

Tre- Unccleee Prince

Prince- Hi tre

Isa- how'd yall get in 

Karen- I have a key dumb dumb

Isa- ok 

*knock knock*

Roc answered the door and somegirl was  there with some sweats and a sports bra on

Roc- um Hello

??- Does tre august live here

Roc- why yes he does would you like to come in

??- Yes

Tre- *looked at herand ran to her* INDIAAAA

India-  *picked up tre*tre omg little bro I missed you you've gotten so big 

Isa.Prod.Prince.Karen and Roc- Bro???

India- Oh Im sorry My name is India Westbrooks Im tre's sister

Isa- Oh well hello

India - Nice to meet you you must be Isabella  and *pointed to roc * you must be Chresanto

Roc- please call me roc 

India- ok 

**Prod.Prince and Karen left*

India- well Ima go back to the hotel

Roc- why a hotel

India- because after my mom died the bank sold the house

Isa- you can live here with us

India- Really 

Isa- yes I wouldn't want you to live in hotel

India- Thank I promise I wont brother you 

Isa- girl it's nothing 




wow I bet you didnt see that coming did ya ??

And I changed tre's real last name to westbrook I didnt know that India was his real life sister.

What did you think about it 

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