Isabella.. what are..Nooo don't do that

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Roc's P.O.V-

Me and Isabella were chillin watching TV with the twins and laughing until dezzi yelled out.."where my brobo".and Isabella just like broke  down like she was crying mad hard in my chest like my shirt was  dripping with her tears -_-.." Babe it's ok no need to tre's fine" I said."No it's not ok what if he doesn't make" she said."He's going to make it I promise you he is" ."ok" I wiped her tears and went to change my shirt.. ayy did she give me an Ok hell naw she bout to do some stupid shyyttt I know she is tho... I walked back down stairs and sat on the couch and Isabella went to the bathroom.. for a long awkward time."dady where momy" asked rocky.."in the bathroom"."oh otay"... the next thing I knew was that I heard Destiny and rocky scream. I ran upstairs to the bathroom.' ayy what wrong why are we..' I looked at Isabella... she was on the floor with like a million cuts on her arm and alot of meds around her. I picked her up and told the kids to get in the car.. when I made it to the hospital the nurse and doctors took her away.. I was waiting in the waiting room alone until karen,prod,prince,ray,destiny showed up.."what happened" asked Karen."she cut and O-D' I couldn't say the word cause my kids where standing there.."Is she ok' asked destiny."I dont know yet". I asked sadly..Then the doctor walked out.
" Family for Isabella August". he spoke. we all stood up." I have good new and bad news".."Isabella is ok. But she does have alot of depression and I think she is a little bit a suicidal thoughts because of the stress so she will have to stay here in the hospitial for a while you may visit her".."Can we have the report for Tre August" I asked."Oh tre he's recovering just fine to be shot in the ribs and he can go home tomorro"."good" I sighed..


and have a nice day 

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