Tour timee (chptr.32)

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Isabella POV:

well it's tour time for the guys and I really dont want roc to leave..

Roc- babe Im about to go where tre

Isa- in his

Roc- ok *walked in tre's room*

Tre- *crying*

Roc- what's wrong lil man

Tre- daddy I d-dont want you to leave

Roc- I know I dont want to leave ethier

Tre- * hugged roc*

Roc- *hugged back*

Isabella pov:

well roc had 45 min before he had to leave so I decided to go get him and when I walked in tre's room they were having a father and son moment well a tre dont want daddy to go moment.

isa- *whishers* roc he's sleep

Roc- oh * Put tre in his bed*

Roc's POV:

I picked up isabella and carried her to our bed to cuddle and hopeful she would go to sleep

isa- *playing with roc's curls*

Roc- babe

Isa- yes

Roc-Is tre always like this when I leave

Isa- yes

Roc- awww

Isa- will you be here for his birthday

Roc- yuppp

Isa- awsome

Roc- oh yeah on his birthday bring him prince's house we'll be in the backyard for the concert

Isa- ok well go mess with the babyies cause I-im tired * yawns*

Roc- ok

Roc's POV:

well I went into the twins room and looked at the baby pictures then kissed Destiny's and Lil me's forehead then walked out checked on tre he was sleep *__*.... Look at Isabella she was sleep..So i got a call from prince saying that the limo was out fornt so I got in then left for the airport..

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