Family time (chpt.29)

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Isabella's POV :

Well I woke up this lovely morning tre was was where roc normally be at I guess he slept on the couch..

Isa- * walked down stairs* morning babe

Roc- morning

Isa-how'd you sleep

Roc- got these couches are awsome

ISA- sure they are

Roc- I'm hungry

Isa- I aint cooking

Roc- got money

Isa- yeah

Roc- ok lets go to Ihop

Isa- k i'll get tre ready

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@ Ihop

tre- can I have chocalate chip pancakes and Ice cream and milk

Waiter- sure thing sweety

Roc- Can I have 6 pancakes,eggs and bacon and a coke

Waiter- *mumbles damn* ok and for you ma'am

Isa- I'll have the same thing as my son *points to tre*

Waiter- ok coming right up

Roc- oh yeah tre you start tre tomorro

tre- yup

Isa- first day of pre-school you'll be gone form 8:30 a.m to 1;45 P.M

Roc- enough time to do my thang

Isa- nasty




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