Missing you (chpt.34)

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Roc's POV:

D#mn I really miss Isabella and tre I cant wait till I land so I can call her I only got 3 1/2 more hours to go then I can call her..You know what Ima text her on facebook..



hey babe

Isabella August:

Hii babyy


I'm really missing you and tre right now

Isabella August:

aww we miss you too


I'll be back in 3 weeks for his birthday..

Isabella August:



I cant wait til I see you and the twins and tre

Isabella August:

We cant wait either..where is you first concerts


London then Paris then France then we hit Florida then Chi then Cali for tre

Isabella August:

aww busy three weeks


I know but It's all wroth it cause I get to see my lil tre grow up and turn 5...

Isabella August:



 Oh I gTG because we bout to land

Isabella August:

ok call me when you get in London


Ok... Love ya


Tre- mwwwooommmmyyyyyyyyyy !!!!!!!!

Isa- *ran in his room* what's wrong

Tre- arm hurts

Isa- what happened

Tre- I was trying to dunk but I fell on my arm...

Isa- OK ok lets go to the hospital

Tre- ok

Isa- * got the twins and tre in the car and called Jade*


Jde- hello

Isa- meet me at the hospital

Jde- why who when what happened

Isa- tre was trying to dunk and feel on his arm

Jde- ok i'll meet you there in like 30

Isa- ok


Doctor- ok Mrs.August there is nothing serious wrong with his arm he just broke a few bones..


Doctor-Now he'll have to stay here for no little then 3 hours so we can wrap his cast..

Isabella- OK

Doctor- Now tre what color cast do you want

Tre- ummmmm..........Red and black

Doctor- Ok go sit by the nurse so she can wrap your arm

Tre- ok

Jde- you know Roc gonna flip when he sees his arm

Isa- I know I think Ima call him

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~phone convo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Isa- have you landed yet

Roc- yup Im getting in the limo now

Isa- oh yeah your son tried to dunk and he fell on his arm and .......................broke......it

Roc- OK is he ok

isa- yeah

Roc- ok I'll call you later so bye I love you

Isa- love you too bye

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'END Of CONO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Jde- did he flip

Isa- nope

Jde- aww


they went home blah and stuff and oh yeah HAPPY MOTHER"S DAY TO ALL THE READER"S MOTHER'S OUT THERE....

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