Is he dead or alive..

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Roc's P.O.V


The doctor walked and .." Family for Tre august" The doctor spoke.."here I said".. " Im sorry but gone

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"  evrything went super sloww then I fainted..

"roc ay roc get the fuck" smack."Ow what was that for".."The doctoer said tre's ok but he got shot in the ribs but he's ok".."aw what was I doing".."acting dumb" said ray.."werid thing" said prince.."shit I dunno" said prod.."aw where isabella?" I asked.."in the room" said prod.."oh"

I walked in the room isabella was just sitting there crying...

"why are you crying".."Cause this is all my fault" she spoke.."No its not it's T.J's fault dont blame yourself" I wipped her tears away.."O-ok"..."He's ok but he has to stay here for a week" the doctor said.."Ok" isabella said

BLAH Im finish later 

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