damn baby got racks

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Isabella's POV-

well of course roc ain't come back by six and the kids at Mrs.august house and India went in her date with corhan.diggy is on tour I'm all alone..I got tired of waring for roc so I went to bed. and what do you know this nigga gone try to easy is ass in bed.. 'where you been' I asked..'umm handling business' he said 'what in the bag' I asked.'umm racks'...I sprung out of bed 'how much !!!'...'um nothin but 50k' he said plainly..'that's a lot'.'not as much as what's in the closet' he spoke 'what you talking bout' I asked 'the safe' he moved all the clothes out the way and there was a deliver safe and he opened in up... 'wow how much is in there'..'ummm I think 300 million' he said plainly 'Wow' 'yup there's one in the kids room too'..'all'..'yup' so we have 12 million in total..wow 'what about India'..'she has one too but terms has six million for colloage' damn that means 18 million wow were rich as fuck...tho...damn...

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