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( A/N: roc Is Spiffy_tho. and Isabella is Isa_sexy )

** My phone went off and I got a message from Spiffy_tho**

Spiffy_tho- Come outside

Isa_sexy- Ok here I come

** Isabella got in the car **

Roc- Damn you clean up good

Isa- you're not so bad you'r self anyway where are we going

Roc- you'll see when we get there

** they drove for 30 min than stopped and roc got out and opened her door**

Isa- what beach is this

Roc- Malibu

Isa- It dosen't seem like Malibu

Roc- I know I have not been here in a while

Isa- me either

Roc- Hey isabella can I ask you something

isa- yeah sure what's up

Roc- you like me right

Isa- yeah

roc- and you know i like you too

Isa- yeah

Roc- so will you be my forever.

Isa- yes of cousrse I will

Roc- OK * kissed Isabella Passionately*

isa- wait what time is it

Roc- 9:45

isa- Omg I to be home before 10

Roc- ok I'll drive you back

** he stopped in fornt of her house **

Isa- bye roc

Roc- wait

Isa- yes

Roc- when can I take you out agian

Isa- This weekend

Roc- ok cool

* I walked in the house to find my dad sleep on the couch *

** I sat on my bed and watched TV till roc text me**

Spiffy_thoe -hey wat u doin

Isa_sexy- lookin @ TV wat u doin

Spiffy_thoe- thinkin bout you

Isa_sexy- aww how sweet

Spiffy_thoe- Well GTG TTYL Luv you

Isa_sexy- - ___- Ok luv u too

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