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* Isabella's POV*

I called my dad and told him I made dinner and cleaned up then I asked can I spend the night over Avery's house (lying) for the night and he said yeah**

* knock knock*

Isa- * answered the door*

Roc- come on you ready to go

isa- oh yeah lets go


*at roc's house*

* I walked in to a big ass nice house*

Isa- Omg I love your house

Roc- thanks

isa- is your mom or dad here ?

Roc- No I moved out

Isa- oh so you live alone

Roc- yep I was hoping to find someone to live with

isa-I'll live with you well I'll be over here a lot thoee but yeah where am I supposed to sleep

Roc- Oh yeah come up stairs * grabbed her hand*

isabella Pov:

I walked in this big ass room the wall's are black and blue i see this massive ass King sized bed this big ass closet and his big ass '90' inch TV**

Roc- you likey

isa- hell yeah i do

Roc- what you wanna do now

isa- IDk u got COD 2 ( for you non gamer's Call of duty 2)

Roc- yeah

isa- on PS3

roc- yeah wanna play

Isa- ok

(A/N: they played COD all night long)

isa Pov: I wake up in this blue and black room so I know it ain't mine and someone's arm's are wrapped around my waist

isa- roc

Roc- hm (half a sleep)

isa- get up

Roc- no 20 more mins

Isa- no ( sat on his lap and started bouncing)

roc- stop

Isa- not un-till u get up Like your little friend there

Roc- * play pushed her off* You shouldn't do thank or you will make my little correction big"" friend her happy..

Isa- just go shower

Roc- ok

isa- *sits on the bed then roc walked in with a towel wrapped around his waist dripping water*

isa- OMG :O

roc- Sexy right

isa- yes very well get dressed

Roc- ok ok babe i am

Roc- can you grab me a shirt out the dresser

Isa- sure ok * pulls out a gun * :O Roc's what's this

roc- oh uh nothing * took the gun away from her **

isa- **Sat down **why do you have a gun ? roc

Roc- umm for reason

isa- stop lying

Roc- IDK i got a gun licence so i got a gun

isa- anything else

Roc- No

Isa- u sure

Roc-umm yes

Isa- ok

Isa- well I have to get dressed so don't look ok

Roc- ok

* she took off her shirt and pants*

Roc- * turned around * damn

Isa- I said don't look * started hitting him*

Roc- Ok ok I'm sorry

Isa- yeah you better be

Roc- but i still saw that ass thoe

Isa- roc shut the hell up

roc- girl you know u want this "D"

isa- no um boy you know you want the "P"

Roc- *getting up and touching her ass* I know and i will get it..

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