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@ school


Isabella's POV:

Well I walked in the school next to roc when he went to talk too the guy's so I decided to talk to Avery..


Avery- You got the "D" yet

Isabella- um what

Avery- Girl dont fount did you get it

Isabells- yes yes i did

Avery- Oh my friend got the "D" the Rocky "D"

Isabells- Girl it aint all that serious

Avery- girl yes it is the got that good D!ck

Isabella- Ok

Avery- Girl he put's it down good

Isabells- girl you got issues

Avery- I kno cause I got prod

Isabella- No No No you got that Prodaconda ;)

Avery- I kno

Isabells- well its time to go to class noww..

Oliva-{ Mumbling} look at them thots

Isabella- [ stopped and turned around really quick] wat you say say it again say it to my face

Oliva- [ quiet]

Isabella- that's wat i thought { continued to her seat]

Avery- what was all that about

Isabella- Oliva wanna mumble sum shit

Avery- aww dont worry bout her she aint no G after we beat her ass her ass is a fucking lame we run it now

Isabella- who is we

Avery- Me, you, Roc,Prod,Prince,Ray,Destiny and umm whatever her name is

Isabella- I only think oliva mess wit me cause she like roc

Avery- naww bro she obsessed she been liking him since 5th grade

Isabella- how obsessed was she

Avery- well in 5th grade she went around tell everybody that she dated him and roc treated her lil ass in front of everyone ..then next yeah in 6th she had umm stalked him I mean she knew his address and phone number House, cell, Mom,dad and all.

Isabella- Dayum

Avery- Then in 7th she had um Started messing with you cause roc was liking you and she was hating like a motherfucker so she started bulling you and that made her some what cool but now she a true LAME..

isabella- wow she got issues

Avery- Ikr

~~~~~~~ BOYS CONVO~~~~~~~~~~

Prod--So she got the "D"

Roc- So she got "Roczilla"

Ray- Nasty

Prince- dont be mad yo girl dont let you hit

Ray- your dont either

Prince- yes she do

Prod- dayyuumm


Prod- so um sis I heard you the "D"

Isa- who told you that

Prod- Roc


Roc- wat he asked

Isa- ok well yea yea i did


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