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Roc- Isabella babe come on we got to go to school It's grad day

Isa- ok how do I look

Roc- *____* breath taking

Isa- thank now lets go

Roc- ok


School GRAD

blah blah you should know how it goes..


Phone CONVO: Diggy

Isa- hello

Dig- I know your pregnant and all but um my sister friend just died and I was wondering if you could take care of her son please

Isa- wait you mean like adopt him

Dig- yes

Isa- yeah give me some info about him

Dig- Ok well he's 5 1/2, light skinned he has curly hair and he's pretty good and his name is tre

Isa- Ok umm bring him to my house in like 30

Dig- ok

Isa- kk

Dig- sis wait

Isa- yea

Dig- you looked hot today

Isa- bye boy

Dig- bye now


Roc's Pov:

So I get in the house and I see this cute little boy sitting on the couch he has curly hair and some nice swag maybe he's Isabella nephew

Roc- hi little boy what your name

Tre- my name is Tre ..

Roc- well hi tre my name is chresanto or roc

Tre- hii chrrresnto are you my new daddy

Roc- ** Confused** No aren't you Isabella nephew or something

Tre- No she my new mommy

Roc- ** Still confused*** where's your real mommy

Tre- shsshhe dead

Roc- aww well come on * picked tre up**

Tre- are you my new daddy

Roc- yeah I'm daddy santo

Tre- ok

Roc- *walked in the room* who's this babe

Isa- your new son

Roc- *___* what

Isa- tre hunny go back in the front and watch TV

Tre- ok by daddy

Roc- bye

Tre- *left*

Roc- now how is he my new son

Isa- adapted his parents died so I adopted him

Roc- oh so were is he gonna sleep

Isa- with us till we get his room together

Roc- ok

(A:N Tre's pic will be in the next chapter)

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