chapter 33

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oh yeah sorry for the mix up i forgot that karen and them are in my other story so to make things clear jade and prince are together and ray and destiny or dezzi are together cause I seen I've been typing karen and stuff so Ima edit that...out

Isabella's POV:

I woke up and roc wasn't there so he must be on the plane or just landing but he'll call when he lands so yeah.. lets go see what tre is doing since the twins are still sleeping..

Isa- hey baby tre why you look down

Tre- daddy left me

Isa- *sigh* He's on tour

Tre- why I dont want him to leave me..Us

Isa- he's not daddy just has a job that he has to do..

Tre- ok...will daddy be here for my birthday

isa- I think So he said he'll try to be here for you

Tre- ok

Isa- what do you want for your birthday

tre- I want a doggy and call of duty and call of duty 2 and call of duty poster and a play station 3 and new shoes and earrings and a new chain..

Isa- ok

Tre- mwommy do i have to go to school today

Isa- yes you do

tre- but I want to stay here with you

Isa- ok I'll call and tell them your not coming in today

Tre- yayayay

Isa- hey go run some bath water and wash up..get dressed and come down stairs for breakfast

Isabella's POV :

I went in the twins room they were up so I put them in the bath got them dressed and put them in their walkers down stairs while I went to take a shower and do my hygine and what not ..

OUTFITS >>>>>>External link (tre's and Isabella's)

Isa- tre you done

tre- yes mommy

Isa- ok come eat

tre- k

blah blah blah

Tre- I want to see prince baby can we go over aunt jade house please

Isa- wait prince has a baby

Their baby on the side >>> how cute is she ...

Tre- yeah its a girl

Isa- ok lets go

Jay's house

Isa- when you have a baby and why I didnt know bout it

jade- umm like 3 months ago you would know if you came over with tre

Isa- uhm

jade- W.E i see you bought the twins you and tre today

Isa- well yeah

jade- why tre not in school

isa- cause he didnt want to go he wanted to be with his mommy today

Jade- girl I feel sorry for you roc not home and you got to take care of the twins and tre by yourself.....

Isa- girl I'm fine and I can always have avery or dezzi watch them

Jde- oh yeah I forgot bout them

Isa- i did toonot liee

Jde- ok

Isa- ok ima leave you alone to take care of baby..

jde- Addison Zoey Perez

Isa- aww cute name Zoe

Jde- yup

Isa- ok well I better get going

Jde- ok

Isa- tre !!

Tre- yes mommy

Isa- it's time to go

tre- :( ok

Jde- Ok bye now

isa- bye

tre- bye T-T

Jde-  *giggled*bye tre

Blah blah

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