First day of school ! ( CHAPTR>30)

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Isabella POV :

Ok So today is Tre's first day of school.So I went to wake him up.I put him in the bath washed him up and made him breakfast and took some pics of him before we left.Then we pulled up to his school.

Trer- Bye mommy

Isa- wait dont let people play on your phone they can play on the ipoad NO one and I mean No one can touch your beats..

Tre- ok mommy

Isa- ok have a great day at school I'll be back at 1:45 to pick you up..

Tre- ok

Isa short POV:

well d#mn bye then

                  Isabella went back to the house

Roc- Ok I'm gonr qoing to the studio

Isa- ok bye

Roc-Love you * Kissed her*

Isa- * Kissed back*


Isa- well lets go check on the twins

Isabella's Pov:

I walked in the room and got the babyies and went on a walk to the park

??- Isabella ?

Isa- DIGS wat up

Dig- nun chillin.where roc

Isa- studio

Dig- aww wanna hang cuz I aint go nun to do..

isa- why not

Dig- so um how ya been

Isa- fine

Dig- wait where tre at

Isa- school

Dig- he started school already

Isa- yup

Dig- he grew up so fast I still rember when he first saw me he called dwiy

Isa- I know

Dig- soon he'll be in 5th grade and haveing a girlfriend and flirting

Isa- the hell he is

Dig- Im just kidding

Isa- better be well I going home wanna come

Dig- why not

Isa- ok lets go


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