Im Missing you (chp.35)

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Isabella's POV:

I was in my room and all I could think about was roc I miss him so much and this is the first time that he went on tour and I missed him alot I thought I was used to this I want him to...So I started to play Stay by Rihanna and fell asleep...

Roc's POV:

Wow I really miss Isabella and the kid's..I tried to face time Tre but he didnt answer.They must be sleep..I was backstage looking all depressed and stuff until prod started talking to me

Prod- what's wrong bro

Roc- I miss My bae

Prod- call her

Roc- I did she sleep

prod- Well then wait till she wake up then call

Roc- nigga she sleeps for about 6 hours

Prod- d#mn well then I cant help you

Roc- No duhhh

Prince- Video chat her

Roc- she sleep

Prince- no dummy video chat in her sleep  bacase she gonna pick up the then put it right by or face or sum so you can watch her sleep

Roc- Blexacan thats maked me look like a stalker

Ray- you sound like...(GCO)

Roc- dont say itt

Ray- fine w.e

Tre's POV -

I woke up because I had a bad dream that some ugly lady named babydoll took my daddy away..SO I went to sleep wit mama

Tre- Mommy

Isa- what wrong

Tre- I had a bad dream

Isa- aww what bout come sit on mommys lap and tell me

Tre- It was about this mean lady named babydoll took daddy away

Isa- aww Tre that wont happen trust me if it did I'll beat her .....

Tre- her what

Isa- nun wanna talk to daddy

Tre- yess

Roc- aww thers my little babyies

isa- hi bae

Roc- I know i just started talking to you but I got to go I love bye

Isa-*sigh* bye

Tre- Bye daddy *eyes getting misty

ANd you should know how that went...


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