He was to nice

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Roc's POV-

I came home.I was going to say sorry to Isabella but I couldnt find her.I went in the room and laid on the bed.I laid my head on something hard."ah Fxck" I grabbed what I laid my head on it was her ring.No no she cant be gone NOOO.I began to feel the tears trying to ecasape my eyes.I let them I went in everyones room everyone was gone inculding the twins.At  this point I was crying like a lil bxtch.I went in the fornt room and grabbed our family picture when Isabella was pregant with the twin it was a picture of her me and tre.I looked at the picture and cried."Im sorry Isabella" I then took out my phone and texted her..She didnt text back.I went on facebook and made a post.
"IVE  NEVER REGETED SOMETHING UNTIL NOW.I've never hit a woman until now.I never felt so hurt and alone until now.Im sorry" I hit post and laid on my bed and cried.

Isabella's POV-

Moved in to derrick's house.He told me about what happen to his wife.But for some reason Tre dose not like him.I dont know why. derrick he had kissed me and I didnt kss back so he bit my lip and when I gasped he slid his tougue in..Then I walked away and went to tre's room."Hey baby you hungry" I asked.Then I saw tre look behide me then look at me."No ma I ate" He spoke.I could see he was afraid in his eyes.'You sure"."Yes' Then I got up and walked away...

Tre's POV-

I am afraid of derrick.He...he beats me.Yesterday He beat me cause I didnt clean my room up.then He kicked me in my back.I looked in the mirror and it left a bruise on my back.Then he abrused Destiny and Rocky.HE BIT THEM AND Told him to stop then he smacked me..I took picture of the bruises with my phone.I tried calling my dad but he didnt answer.I dont want my mommy to be with derrick..I want her to be with my daddy not him.....</3 I miss my daddy so when my mom dropped me off I at school I went to my daddy's house but when I made it there I only had   like twenty minutes til I had to go back to school so mom could pick me up.I startedd to knock on the door but he didnt answer so I started to beat on the door til my daddy answered."Ay why the fxck tre" I just cut him off with a hug."I miss you daddy I dont like derrick" I spoke then I let of him looked at him and ran back to like nun happened..

Roc's POV-

I was in the kitchen when someone started beating on my door when I opened the door it was tre."I miss you daddy I dont like derrick" He spoke as he stopped hugging me and ran away.I tired to stop him but he just kept runnning.That name.Derrick.I know that name but I dont know who he is..wait Derrick from YMN...THAT nigga took my girl.But why dosent tre like him...God I think I really lost isabella his time...I decieded to go to prod's house when I walked in and sat down karen came to me and smacked me.her hit fxcking hurt."what the fxck was that for" I yelled."For hitting Isabella" She said then walked away.Then prod came downstairs."Wat up bro what'chu need" He said."Um you rember YMN.And derrick..well isabella left me and tre came to my house and said he dont like derrick and I need my girl back help me prod help me.." I said ."What happened to you and isabella" He asked."I may have cheated agian and she cursed me out and I smacked her" I mubled.Then he smacked me too.OWww.."Nxgga you did what" He yelled."I hit isabella." I said.He was about to hit me and i finched."Ok so what Im supposed to do" He asked."I need you to call the guy" Then in like five minuted all the guys walked.Then Ray,Prince and diggy smacked me."w yall bipolar axx need to stop" I yelled as I held my face."Ok now since we done.I know where derrick lives" Diggy started."Ok so what the plan" I asked."How dont yougo pick up Tre from school next week then leave the rest to us" Prince spoke."Alright" I spoke.Then karen came back down stairs and started whooping my axx."Ow Karen stop stop owww" I began to cry cause she punched me in my face."Good now you know how isa felt when you hit her.." she yelled and away away.I got off the floor and felt my lip she busted it. and she kicked me in my balls."Dxmn bipolar axx" I mumbled.Then left I went home and went in tre's room and just sat on his bed.then I laided back I laid on something."Goddxmn what the fxck" I spoke.I reached behide me and there was a bunch of picture of me,him,me and him,all of us,the twin,india and isabella, and rocky and alexis his little girlfriend,Then I relised that he printed them from his computer so I went on his computer and looked though his picture he had a bunch of picture of him and alexis and some picture of india and corhan and some picture of me and isbaella..Then I walked out of his room and went to sleep.

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