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Isabella's POV:

Since it only tre's 4th day being here I diecided to take him out shopping and sigh up for school and do something fun..

isa- *walked into tre's room * tre baby wake up lets go out

Tre- ok mommy

Isa- come on lets get dress

Tre- is daddy coming to

Isa- yes

Tre- ok

blah blah

Isa-you bring the bags in I got tre


Isabella Pov:

I got Tre out the car cause he was sleep I walked up to his room put him in the bed and took off his shoes and snap back and tucked him in and kissed his forehead..

Isa- you done

Roc- nope he got like 200 bags left

Isa- hey he want to go shopping and you let him pick out the stuff so yeah

Roc- but I didn't think he would want so much

Isa- he's 4

Roc - i know

isa- well Im going to sleep

Roc- ok good night


Next day

Tre- mommy

Isa- yes tre

tre- why is you belly so big

Isa- because there are babies in there

tre- *__* did you eat them ?

Isa- no sweety they are being made in there

Tre- :O are they my little sistur or brothure

Isa- yup you have a little sister and a brother

Tre- * clapped his hands* what are their names

Isa- I don't know you wanna help me pick some name

Tre- yes mowmy

Isa- ok Melandy

Tre- um no

Isa- Ivy

Tre and Roc - no

isa- ok peyton


Isa- ok ok Destiny

Tre- I like that one

Roc- what a middles name


Isa- I like that

Roc- me too

Isa- and the boy

Tre- chresnto Lorenzo remewlo August .Jwr


Isa- Destiny Jade august and Chresanto Lorenzo Remelo August .Jr

Tre- yeah

Roc- Ok lil man now what are you going to do today

Tre - Uncle Pwrod's HOUSE !!!!!!!!

Roc- ok ok no need to scream


Prod house


Prod- heyy little mann *dap*

Tre- hi unwle prod * dap*

Karen- Is that my baby tre I hear

Tre- yewsh

Keran- hii baby

Tre- hi Babybe


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