Lol she cant walk...

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Roc's POV-

Well I woke up this morning and made me some ceral.then isabella woke up and got out the bed then fell."Um can you help me up" She spoke."naw you can walk" I said."No I cant my legs are sore" She spoke."ah I did something right then" I smirked helping her up off the floor placing her on the bed."oh shut up" she said crawling to the bathroom and taking a shower..When she got out she got dressed and put her hair in a pont tail."where ya going" I asked."Shopping" she spoke."Oh here you go" I hand her $850..she looked at me then the money."d-mn this mega crispy" she spoke and put it in her purse."Cant leave the house broke" I said."I know"

Outfits in external

Isabella's POV-

After Roc gave me the money I went and got Karen,India,Tre and Cece and we went shopping.."ah um Isabella why are your tigh's red" Karen asked as we walked in bath and body works."Girl you know why" I said."Ok..umhm...oh..ewwwww girl you nasty" She said with a disgusted face."Hey you asked why" I said."We all heard you last night" Cece said."foreal"."yup"

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