So far so good

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No one's POV

It's been two week's and Isabella and the kids have settled down in diggy's and if you didn't know he has a daughter and a son...

Isa- Bro when you have kids
Dig- Um in 2008 and in 2012
Isa- awww how old is Daniell
Dig- almost a year she's 7 months
Isa- and Jay
Dig- 5
Isa- hey him and tre the same age
Dig- yupp
Isa- who's the mom
Dig- alica but she died when daniell was born
Isa- aww sorry
Dig- its ok I moved on
Isa- to who
Dig- her name is Cece
Isa- where is she
Dig- work
Isa- aww
Dig- you heard from roc yet
Isa- yeah I was texting him earlier
Isa- I think ima call daniell danny and Jay JJ
Dig- I like that
Cece- *walked in* Hey babe...Hi....
Isa- Isabella or Isa
Cece- Well hi Isa you must be roc's wife
Isa- Yes
Cece- oh now where are Destiny and Lil roc at
Isa- their sleep
Cece- tre
Isa- He's playing with Jay
Cece- oh well ima go to bed now
Isa- ok
Dig- k

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