He still A Thug..It ain't changed

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WELL YALLS THIS IS THE SEQUEL FOR FOREVER.. THAT Y'ALL BEEN WAITING FOR...All this will be in the book but it won't be out till like August.. im lieing btw
Isabella's pov-
Well ever since Roc so called changed..he wanted to move and live a better life we now live in south beach and we no longer have a house but its pretty big tho... And we sold most of our cars like the buggiti's and big cars but we got three rangerover's..two Chrysler's. And India's jeep.. and since Roc's birthday is coming up I bought him a nice Chrysler in blue but it's at Karen's house and India and Corhan have
Been dating for a year The is now seven and got a girl friend and the twins are now three and badder than Karen.. and Roc planned to take us to Chicago and I can't wait..

"Mom where is my bookbag" Tre asked running past me to him room.."Its in the kitchen now now hurry so you can ride with India and Corhan" i said as Corhan walked me."Hi Mrs.August" Corhan said hugging me.."hi Corhan India will be down soon" I said as I help Tre put his bookbag on.."Ok bye Mom,Roc and twins and come on tre" India said as she walked down the stairs.I still dont get why she calls me mom.."Bwye Inde" the twin said as they waved bye."Girl where you think you going with that on" Roc questioned india."To school roc duhh" India said.."um-uh better be" He said waving her bye."Byebye India"I spoke.."Peace" she said grabbing Tre's hand pulling him out the door and closing it.I walked upstairs and took a shower and put on my Black Dope Crop Top,Galaxy shorts and My Black Toms and my Vercase chain (I hope I spelled that right)..threw my hair in neat bun got dezzi and rocky bookbags ready for daycare and headed out the door but I was stopped by Roc closing it.."Wait where's my kiss" He said poking out his lips..I kissed his lips and you know what it kind of brought the spark back like I just fell in love with him allover agian.."Can I Go now" I asked."yeah bye" he said smirking."Ok than" I walked pass him and he smacked my butt..I Go in my car (Landrover) and dropped the twins off at daycare and went shopping with karen and Prod..(Outfit in external)

Roc's POV- 

I dont know but ever since Isabella gave birth to the twins she got thicker.. like dang baby fineee..;)
But I left the house in my chrysler and went to do my drops and get my money since Isabella left the house.Since she made me promise to stop being a thug and change even thought I wont I just dont let her fine out..I dont like lieing to her but ay  I need my money cars and clothes dont come free.. and my birthday coming up ayyyyyy you know what that mean ;)

Ayy just to let you guys know I am now making some parts of my story private so if you wanna read them you have to be a follower and I do follow back if you need more followers..

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