She's good

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Roc's POV-

Well today is the when Tre get's released from the hospitial. Since I didn't feel like calling anybody to watch Destiny and Santo. I just brought them along and plus they want to see mommy so.I went to sign the paper to release tre. then we went to see Isabella. they were all by her bed talking to her for like two hours. I just sat in a chair and hoped she'd wake up. she didnt..."Ok kid's it's time to go"."aww"  they all sid..."bye mwomy" said destiny.."bwye" bye said santo "bye mom" said tre" Love you" I finally  spoke. as we all were walking out I heard as hourse but settle voice say "Love you".."Daddy look momy's awake" said Tre.I just stood there like a stick."dady's mommy's awake" I ran to her bed "well it's nice to see to you too babe". I just kissed her "ewwwwww grosss" the kids said " I pulled away after talking to her for about another 3 hours thekids were all asleep I had to carry them to the car we got pulled up to the house I got them out and I couldnt close the door. Ok how am I going to do this well my hip is free.. damn that looked so damn gay but oh well.. I walked in the house and put the kids to bed. went in my room and cuddled with Isabella's pillow...

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