Something is wrong

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Oh yeah they been home for about three

Isabella's POV-
I just came back from school shopping for tre and now he doesn't get to wear no uniform this year."Mom do I have to wear this" Tre frowned at this uniform."Yes.Or you can wear a t shirt and boxers" I spoke."naw Im good Ill wear this but what red do I get" He asked."The light one and the Tan pants" I said pointing out the shirt on the shelf."Ok oh mom can I have this red one with the tie on it" tre asked jumping up and down."Yeah get it tre get like three." I spoke."ok' He grabbed them and threw them in the cart then we made our way to the register."Oh mom can I have that DJ skull book bag" Tre asked."Fine.Ma'am can you get down the Dj skull bookbag" I asked."sure" She grabbed the stick thighy and brought it down and scanned all the items."Your total is.$400.50" She spoke as she bagged the items.D-mn I said to my self."Ok" I hand her four hundreds and 50 cents..Tre started to put the bags in the cart then we made our way to the car and put the stuff in the car.and drove home when we made it home roc was sitting on the couch watching TV."where's the twins" I asked sitting on the couch next to him."Sleep"."where india"."Corhans house".."Oh".."thank you came cause I got head out" He spoke kissing me and walking to the door."Where you going"."Studio luv you bye" He said as he hugged me and left.I sighed and sat on the couch then tre walked down stairs and sat next to me."Mom you know he aint going to the studio right" Tre spoke looking at me."how you know" I asked."Cause every time he says that he never does he's still a thug ma it didn't change" He spoke walking to the kitchen.See I not going to be mad at roc I knew you wouldn't change I just played along with it.after that conversation with tre I stayed up all night waiting for roc.I got tired so I went to bed then he walked in the room took a shower and washed his clothes and got it to bed laying next to me."where you been" I said turning facing him."Um i said I went to the studio" He said.Like -_- Nigga you lieing."No you still thugging aren't you" I asked."Umuh..see..well..yeah I am.sorry.".."No need to say sorry I knew you didnt stop" I said facing the wall and falling asleep.

Roc's POV-

No I did not stop being a thug.And I was not thuggig and I didnt go to the studio.I went to babydoll's house to end this affair with her.But then we ended up having sex..I dont know how to stop this.I want to but I cant but at the same time I dont want to loose Isabella.D-mn Im so fxcking dumb.dxmn me..I tired to end it again tonight but we still ending up fxcking.UGHHH I dont want to do this but I dont know how to stop.And I fell lke isabella might find out and leave me for some other nigga who only gon hurt her and my kids.And If that happens Im killing that nigga....FORREAL..I walked down stairs in the basement and let Kane out then I went to sit on the couch and kane(Tre's dog if you like who is kane).came and laid on my lap.Then I fell asleep...

Three months later..

"What The Fxck Chres How could you DO THIS TO ME.AFTER ALL I DID FOR WHERE WAS BABYDOLL WHEN I BAILED YOUR AXX OUT OF JAIL.DID BABYDOLL GIVE BIRTH TO YOU FXCKING KIDS.YOU KNOW WHAT FXCK YOU.i FXCKING HATE YOU YOUR A BASTARD.i HATE YOU FXCK YOU.BXTCH." ISABELLA SCREAMED AS SHE KEPT PUNCHING MY CHEST."babe stop Im sorry" I spoke."FXCK YOU ROC YOUR A FXCKING NO GOOD FATHER.YOU DEAD BEAT AS DAD" sHE YELLED.I pushed her into a wall and screamed in her face."IM NOT A DEAD BEAT DAD You Bxtch." I yelled as smacked.She slid down the wall and  cried.I didnt give no fxck Im not a dead beat father.I slammed the door and left and went to the well no wera but the woods where I parked my car and got high..

Isabella's pov-

after roc left.I cried for about three House then said fxck this I done its over.I took off my ring and put it on his pillow and packed me and the kids stuff and left.Thank god I have another house."Mom where's dad" Tre asked."Look there is no more me and your father" I drove to Cece and diggy's house and asked them to watch The kids and agreed so for the rest of the night I went to a bar.I was really drunk then this dude asked can he take me home.I was drunk so I just said yes He drove me to his house carried me inside and I fell asleep i his room.Oh yeah his name is Derrick..

Derrick's POV-

I was at the bar.And I noticed this girl who was drunk so I helped her home but she wanted to go to my house so I let her stay there.She reminds me alot like my EX wife Stacy.But stacy died in a car carsh with my three kids.Vanessa,TJ, and Trey.I bet she wanted me to met someone new...


Yeah BOOM I bet yall didnt see that coming did ya..Nope I bet ya didnt but yes.Roc and Isabella are NOt a THING anymore.and Um yeah.Derrick isnt all that good after all.But youll find out why later on tho..:D But yeah VOTE AND COMMMENT Cause MAMA SAID SO Ok DONT MAKE ME HAVE TO WHOOP YOU Axx...


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