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* I wake up to see my alarm off and It's 8:15 *

Isa- Holy shit I got to go make breakfast * I ran down stairs in the kitchen and started cooking then my dad walked in*

ID (Isabella's dad)- Where the fuck is breakfast !

Isa- I didn't make it I woke *GCO by her dad smacking her to the floor*

ID- next *smack*time when*smack* I'm up *smack* there better *smack* Be *smack* Breakfast *smack* on *smack* the *smack* FUCKING table YOU GOT THAT

isa- y-y-yes ( holding back tears)

ID- Ok then *walked out the house*

Isa-*when my dad walked out the house I sat there and cried for 15 min then go ready **

I looked in the mirror and my face had a bruise on it and i had one by my eye**

Outfit >>>>>.>>>>

* I walked walked in the classroom and the teacher made me take off my sun glasses so I walked to my seat with my head down and sat down next to roc*

Roc- hey babe what's wrong

Isa- * shook my head nothing*

Roc- something wrong look at me please

Isa- No

Roc- *grabbed my chin and made me face him* what happened to your face

Isa- nothing I-I fell

Roc- No you didn't stop lying you don't fall dead on you face

Isa- I can't tell you

Roc- why you can tell me any thing

Isa- I'll tell you later

Roc- ok


* I texted roc and told him to meet me on the 5th floor of the school because no ones ever up there*

Roc- I'm here so what happened to your face

Isa- M-my -my dad he beats me

roc- WTF why how long as he been doing this

Isa- ever since my mom died when i was 12

Roc- did you do anything wrong or something * touching my bruise*

Isa- I didn't wake up early to make breakfast

Roc- WTF he's a grown man he can cook what the hell is wrong with him

Isa- hey umm can I spend the night over your house tonight

Roc- sure

Isa- come pick me up at 8:00 that should give me enough time to cook and stuff

Roc- cool now umm put you sunglasses back on and let's go in the Cafeteria

Isa- why do I have to put them back on

Roc- because if t Prod see's this he will freak and so will ray ray and prince and avery

isa-*Laugh's* yeah your right

* they went back in the lunch room*

Avery- where were you guy's

Roc- uh talking

Avery- Isa why are you wearing sunglasses were inside

Isa- *looked at roc*

Roc- * nodded his head *

Isa- * walked over to Avery and whispered what happen then sqauted down and took off her shades*

Avery- What the fuck *GCO**

Isa- Shhh sshhh I don't need prod to find out

Avery- ok ok I wont tell

prince- tell what she got the "D"

Rayray,prod and princeton- looked at roc

Avery- No

Isa- Hello No

Ray ray- hmmm uh sure

Isa- that's not what happened

prod- uh ok sure

___ blah blah -----------

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