Oh..No the fuk you didnt

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Isabella's POV-

I was about to make tre something to eat and I heard the twins crying I thought they were sleep..

Babydoll- *trying to take the babyies*

Isa- THe F#ck 

Babydoll- these are me and roc's kids not your

Isa- oh I see roc got your dumbazz wrapped around roczilla b*tch he dont want you we were just f*cking last night. And did you push these kids out of your f*cking Vay-jayjay B*tch

Babydoll- ...

Isa- right now get the f*ck out before I kick you down them stairs

Babydoll- *ran*

*Isabella walked down stairs holding the twins**

Cece- when did babydoll get here

Isa- her crazy azz broke in I guess

Cece- oh

Isa- here watch the twins while I make tre and Jay some food

Cece- Ok

sorry its so short I haven't been updated cause you guys dont vote and I dont know if you like it or not ...So comments and votes would be really helpful....

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