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Roc's POV:

Well since tre is over prods house and the twins are over prince and amy's house so I might some fun ;) ;D...

Roc- *** came out the shower shirtless and a towel wrapped around his waist*

Isa- um ok

Roc- hey babe *sat on the bed*

Isa- Hi * looking at his abs*

roc- ok Im tried wait but i just cant

Isa- wait for w (GCO)

Roc- * started taking off her shirt and kissing her stomach*

isa- *moaning lightly*

Roc- don't fight

Isa- Im not

Roc- oh ok well we gonna see about that * smirking*

Isa- ok

Roc- * started eating her out*

Isa- * moaning*

Roc- * stuck in two fingers*

Isa- * moaning a little louder*

Roc- * stuck in the 'D"

Isa- * Moaning got louder*

And that went on for about six more hours Until they climaxed and fell asleep..

At Prodigy house

Tre- unwle prod

Prod- uh

Tre- I want ice cream

prod- k lets go to the Ice cream parlor

Tre- yayayayayayyayayayayaya

Ice cream parlor

tre- can I get cookies and cream

Prod- um yeah can I get one cookies and cream and one red velted ice cream

Lady- Cup ,cone or bowl

Tre- bowl

Prod- both bolws

Lady - ok coming right up

Prod- ok

Lady - here you go

prod- thank you

Lady- your welcome

tre- I like my this ice cream

Prod- cool

Tre-I miss my little sister and brother can we go and see them

Prod- sure why not

tre- yayaay

Amy and prince's house

Amy- hey tre baby

Tre- hi amy where's my little sistur and brothur

Amy- upstairs

Tre- ok bye

Prince- where's Roc

Prod- probly at his house fukin

Prince- truuu * 2 chains voice**

Prod- we going on tour tomorrow morning thoe

Prince- I know :(

Prod- I wonder how tre and Isabella gonna take it

prince- fine maybe

Prod- well ima take the twins and tre home now

Tre- I ready

Prod- ok * grabbed the twins * lets roll

Prod dropped off the twins and tre at roc's house

Roc- babe I have to leave for tour soon

Isa- I know

Roc- tre !

Tre- yes daddy

Roc- daddy has to leave tomorrow

Tre- why I don't want you to go daddy

Roc- I know but i'll be back in before you know it

tre- STAY HERE DADDY :'''''''''(

Roc- I cant * tried to hug tre*

Tre- * pushed roc off * DON'T TOUCH ME

Roc- but (GCO)


Roc- well d#mn

Isa- I knew this was gonna happen

Roc- he'll get over it

Isa- when do you leave

Roc- tomorrow

Isa- aw well ima go comfort tre

Next morning

Roc's POV:

Well today I have to leave and last night Isabella and tre didnt even wanna talk to me..

Isa- * walked in*

Roc- hey babe

Isa- * Looked at him and shook her head*

Roc- d#mn I know I messed up but I gotta go

Isa- * Silence*

Roc- ISABELLA talk to me

Isa- Roc j-just go bye babe

Roc- * sighed* bye

Isa- **sigh**


Roc- Im sorry I have to go

Tre- oh ok

Roc- Ill be back soon

Tre- K :\
??? POV: Oh yeah he's leaving I'ma start some drama... :D

Who is ???

Why dont they like Isabella

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