Chapter 12

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The riot

After the officer's shout, lights emanating from the bowels of the forest illuminated part of it, revealing those petrifying and horrifying looks accompanied by a cadaverous complexion. They were faces that only revealed hatred with scarlet red eyes that glowed like burning fire combined with an insatiable desire to annihilate.

They carried weapons such as axes, machetes, daggers and gardener's spades among other things, as well as oil lamps. In each of them was expressed a different level of putrefaction that revealed only the pale complexion of their skin. There were also entities with their disfigured faces as a result of rotting and in prison garments, similar to those of the demented beings that incinerated human remains in the subway area of the village.

There were little more than fifteen "possessed" villagers approaching the area and growing in number. The entire police force was petrified by the murderous stares, among them Steffi who had rushed to the aid of the officer who came to warn the others.

After uttering frightful screams, the villagers ran towards the group like demonic beasts to attack the police force, who responded after Nick fired the first shot, with which one of the entities fell dead on the spot with a bullet wound in the forehead.

For several seconds, the police force continued firing to contain the riot. Although they were brought down with relative ease, the growth of the demonic horde did not cease; more and more of the commoners of putrid complexion and rudimentary clothing were arriving. It was unimaginable that still with traces of pallor and putrefying sores on their bodies they were able to run with such agility; so much so that it was difficult to aim at their critical points. In spite of this situation, Liz, in her concern for the others wanted to verify the condition of her acquaintances, realizing that Nick managed to bring down the monsters with a few shots and with incredible precision despite how difficult it was for the rest of the officers to hit them.

The villagers continued to recite incomprehensible phrases in a shuddering tone of voice that was dulled by the loud shouts of the German officers. In front of Liz and Bernard stood a group of three villagers in tattered clothing, giving them a questioning look as they wielded machetes ready to hack the agents to pieces. Liz tried to focus on the nearest threat, but the monsters approached at an initially unhurried speed and coordinated positions, forcing the agent to switch targets frequently and maintain a safe distance. This sequence was repeated until a grim lady wielding a stout dagger uttered a shuddering phrase before making her first attack.

Und jetzt ist es vorbei, du verdammte Schlampe und Fehlgeburt. Ich habe 'ne kleine Überraschung für dich (And this is the end, you fucking evil bitch, I have a little surprise for you).

The situation was bringing the adrenaline levels of the agents to its peak, because just at that moment several of those beings tried to attack Liz; something that she managed to contain with a few shots along with the assistance of Chris, who in the midst of that chaos was making an effort to protect everyone else, as well as Steffi. The most difficult moment came shortly after the German soldiers had managed to stop the hordes of enraged villagers, although little by little the most numerous groups were concentrating on Liz and Bernard, whom they had already identified as their main targets; a situation which the other officers, especially those with whom they had empathized the most: Chris, Ulrich and Steffi, decided to respond by providing all the necessary assistance.

The horrible beings fell to the ground to the rhythm of the shots, although in Bernard's case, there came a point where he was surrounded by several of them. The beings kept panting, emitted some terrifying sounds and uttered incomprehensible phrases in inhuman tones of voice that even without being able to understand, could be interpreted as demonic slurs.

-Lass uns diesen Arschloch umbringen, Los, lasst ihn nicht entkommen (Let's kill this asshole, quickly, don't let him escape!)

In the face of that disturbing situation, Liz and Chris were about to come to his aid, but shortly before they could react, the five villagers fell dead almost as if by divine intervention. Bernard looked for the person responsible to thank him, only to be surprised to find that it had been Nick from a little more than two meters away, who was watching him with deep seriousness. He could not believe that after the treatment he and his companions had received from him, he had dared to save his life. Bernard wanted to thank him, but the German officer ended up turning his back on him to attend to other matters.

Seeing how Nick was retreating, and the situation seemed to be under control, Liz ran to her partner who was still watching his back with a look of confusion. However, even though there were fewer of them now, villagers were still arriving to overrun the area.

Despite the guard the entire squad had over the few villagers approaching the area, there was something that added to the mood of tension. From deep in the forest, fierce howls spread together with beastly animal-like roars. Even the villagers were stupefied by the infernal growls, which were soon followed by the firm and swift steps of four-footed beasts amidst the clumps of leaf litter. Among the terrible darkness those yellow eyes with dilated red pupils ready to riddle came into view. It was a small pack of the vicious wolves that the American agents had seen in the village, with their limbs sticking out of their black fur and wounds over most of their bodies.

Initially, they thought that the situation would now be much more tense, but contrary to that, the first prey of the wolves were the villagers remaining in the area, who, after receiving a brutal onslaught from the wild beasts began to scream in excruciating pain after they were bitten to the ground and began to tear their rotting skins.

-Shit," Liz complained, feeling her stomach churn as she watched the grotesque images, "when they finish with the appetizer we will be the main course and we still have to go after Max.

Next to her were Bernard and Chris also witnessing the scene and seeing how another one of the wolves entered the scene, but this time aiming its annihilating gaze at the agents. Ulrich and Steffi stood in front of them, still aiming their guns at the wolves.

-We will take care of these things," said Steffi showing courage in the face of the crisis, "You run and go find your friend," even after these words.

-No way," Liz refused, "We won't let you face this without our help.

- Lenz is right- Ulrich replied with a thick tone of voice to assert his authority- We are enough for this; you go with Chris, he will help you in whatever is necessary and keep you in touch with us.

Chris was about to give a negative answer seeing how the wolves were ready to attack the camp while he went with Liz and Bernard to take care of other matters, but before he could make a claim, Nick intervened from behind showing that their foolishness had already exhausted his patience.

-Du hast ihn gehört Schreiber, also geh uns aus den Augen!, Verschwinde jetzt! (You heard him Schreiber, so get out of our sight, get out now!)

After uttering those phrases in his usual irreverent tone, the shooting of the ferocious beasts began. Chris for his part, totally disgusted by Nick's words, understood that he had to comply with Ulrich's orders and collaborate with Liz and Bernard, whom he helped to leave the area to head for town while the rest of the group tried to hold off the attack.

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